6. Kind of creature

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once outside the entrance to the silent brothers Piper and Clary looked at the decaying skeleton. It certainly gave off 'shadowworld' vibes. Either that or the runes carved into the stone above it.

"Charming, really love how they decorate for festive seasons. We should come back for christmas, I'm sure its just full of warm spirit." a burst of cold wind made PIper shut up, that along with a knock to the back of the head by Jace. SHe rubbed the spot tenderly and sent him a glare, dickbag.

"Everything's going to be fine. This is how we get out memories back." CLary squeezed Piper's hand tightly in her own. It was comforting to know that they were going through this together.

"Yep, pop right in for a spot of tea with the silent brothers and be out in no time." Piper started walking towards the entrance, half dragging Clary with her. It would be better to get on with it instead of just growing anxious on whatever was going to happen.

"No, no your not. That could kill you." A slight smile formed at my lips, the stoic Alec Lightwood cared. "We don't need Piper getting killed, especially since we don't know what kind of creature she is." My smile turned to a glare, guess not. He was more worried about what she could do than who she was.

"That's ridiculous, we're twins." Clary motioned, "I'm not going in without her." Jace stood between the group, looking between the two girls carefully.

"Look CLary, we need those memories to try and find the cup and help your mom. ALec is right, you might be twins but theres something different about Piper that's not normal shadowhunter. As much as you or I might want her to go in Alec's right, the soul sword might kill her." For the first time since she'd been here Piper actually listened to Jace's advice.

"You'll be fine Clary, besides don't worry about me out here. I've got a bodyguard." the twin reassured, grabbing Alec's arm. He struggled for a minute before accepting the fact he wasn't going to be able to get free. One more look over her shoulder and Clary and Jace vanished into the tunnel.

After three minutes of standing with the lightwoods and a babbling Simon Alec groaned. "I can't listen to this, I'm checking the perimeter."

"Me too!" I called after and he looked at me. Clearly he wasn't too set on the idea, but rolled his eyes and relaxed.

"No talking, got it?" I grinned, crossing my fingers at me side. I could barely keep my mouth shut for two minutes.

"Okay." I agreed. The night was dark outside and from what I could see through the trees, starless. Thinking back I had never seen stars In the sky besides from a picture. I never left New York, where light polluted the sky blocking the stars from the sky.

"Alec." I got no response from the man but continued anyway, "does Jace know how you feel about him?"

Alec stopped, I could feel the cold pooling off of him in waves. "I have no idea what your talking about." Was his shocking answer before continuing on.

"Don't lie to yourself, you know it's true. Besides it's really no harm, but all your doing is-" I was cut off by him spinning around glaring at me.

"I'm not...I don't.." he seethed and I crossed my arms.

"It's okay to be gay, besides I never said you were." This must have struck a never because the next thing I know I'm knocked to the ground and he's over me, the moon casting a silver halo around his head.

"Don't ever say that to me again, and I'm not I love with him." Alec glared as hard as he could into the eyes of Piper.

"The only person your denying is yourself, trust me, I've been there. I know what it's like to like someone you can never have." Piper told her secret, eyes twitched because she had never told anyone before. So why was she telling him?

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