37. Positively glowing

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Excitement made her muscles tighten, ready to pounce as she And Izzy split, Piper making her way to the balcony and peering down into the crowd. Piper tracked the black haired girl through the crowd, a arrow already knocked and ready.

When Izzy stopped to dance with a girl Piper drew back the arrow and Izzy farted to the side clearing a path for the archer. She pressed the fletching into her lip before releasing the string and watched the arrow turn the demon to sparks which faded into the ground.

A few more times this happened, one after another before Izzy was being drug outside, a demon using her as a shield.

"Damnit!" Piper put her bow onto her quiver and drew her two swords, quickly heading out back where a small group of demons stayed around her Parabatai.

"It's been awhile since I've had shadowhunter." The nearest demon cackled before Piper saw silver electrum slithering into a whip. "How do you feel about a little demon venom?" A horde of demons joined all knashing their teeth.

"Delicious. Don't tempt me." I shot back, before charging with my swords.

Izzy and Piper made it back into the institute, scratched up and a little sore but all in all okay. After running her stele over Isabelle's healing rune and Izzy doing the same to Piper their cuts healed up.

Piper headed to her room in the institute, changing into high waisted adidas leggings and a cropped sexy and soft blue T-shirt from American eagle. She removed her makeup and washed her face letting her freckles be visible before pulling her hair up with a scrunchi.

"Night Iz, I'm heading to the hideout." She called through the wall before heading to the hideout and sitting at the kitchen table. After taking down her hair and standing up to get a book the door opened and closed, Alec walking towards her.

"Is jace here?" He asked, not stopping.

"No he's staying at Magnus's why?" Piper asked before Alec scooped her into him kissing her with hunger and passion. She answered it with one of her own before pulling back slightly. "Alec, what are you doing?" She asked as he was walking towards the staircase, making her back up them with him.

"I'm taking the next step, is that okay?" He asked almost pulling back with nervousness.

"The sex step." Piper paused. "I'm just afraid I'll loose you..you know...after.." she admitted and he pulled her face up to his.

"You'll never loose me, why would you think that?" He pushed her up against the wall. "I want this, I want you."

The words were all she needed to hear before going back to their heated make out session. He ran his hands down to her but signaling her to jump up and he carried her into her room as she giggled.

Piper blinked open her eyes, it was 7:05 in the morning as she sat up in her bed, holding the covers around her. Alec slept beside her, arm folded behind his head and the other where Pipers head had been. She smiled, biting her lip. The memory of last night still giving her butterflies in her stomach.

Her phone buzzed again, realizing that's what had woken her up. Picking it up she read the text.

Come to institute, we need to talk.

Still smiling she quietly got out of bed, her closet was empty so she pulled on her clothes from yesterday. Her curly hair looked messy from where she slept but she ran a hand through it to attempt to fix it before heading downstairs.

She strut to the door, a huge grin still plastered on her face as she opened the door between the hideaway and Magnus's place. Alec sat at the table drinking a smoothy and turned to her smirking at her appearance.

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