20. A role to play

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Piper didn't want to take over from Luke, but she also didn't want to argue with Lydia. "Luke, let us take the forsaken, we have a highly trained pathologist ." Piper said.

"Fine but let me know what turns up." The werewolf resigned and Lydia nodded.

"Do you think that this could have been more directed to ex. Circle members?" Lydia asked and Piper bent down on one of the bodies, looking to Alec who blocked her from sight.

With a quiet, shaky breath she placed her hand on the forsakens chest and attempted to read its mind. It didn't work, the mind already too melted to show anything.

"We'll our extra wards on the institute." Lydia nodded, Alec walked to the door with piper.

"To protect hodge." Piper acknowledged Alec's thoughts and lydia nodded.

"And your parents." She spoke directly to Alec who tensed. "Did they conceal that from you?"

Alec didn't speak to piper leaving her alone in the institute, he did however take time by himself before Izzy looked at me and dragged me off. "Okay, your the new institute strategist from what I can tell, meaning you need to dress accordingly.

For some reason Piper felt as though this wasn't as much about her as it was about Izzy. She didn't want to be alone, so piper let Izzy pamper her. After much burning of hair, a fashion makeover, and forced lipstick Piper was done. "Pretty as a princess." My hair touched my waist, in sleek straight Auburn locks, the one black chunk of hair standing out. "You look like a whole new person."

I walked out into the hub and could feel people's gaze on me. "Alec, your drooling brother." Izzy said and Alec shot her a glare. I fiddled with the lace bustier that Izzy had fashioned over a turtleneck. Overall it was a pretty reasonable outfit, other than the puffy pants that made noise every time she took a step.

"Magnus bane, the high warlock of Brooklyn is coming to add extra warding." Lydia made a approving face at the red heads attire before Piper grinned.

"Magnus." I grinned happily, maybe he could speak to me of what exactly I could do.

"You know him? well?" Lydia inquired and I nodded.

"Magnus and I are good friends, I've known him since I was a young girl." Izzy sent me a look. Piper backed off on the backstory, remembering how stiff the clave could be about Downworlders.

"I can't wait to meet him, my great grandfather and him we're good friends." Lydia walked off leaving Alec and Piper to themselves.

"I'm going to talk to Magnus." I quickly left, whenever I was around Alec mixed emotions filled my brain and I couldn't be distracted.

When I found the warlock he grinned at me. "My favorite Little Red...where's the blonde of yours?" He asked and I frowned.

"Probably off with Jace smooching, Simon as well though I wish I could be with him. Guess what?" I asked and he nodded for me to continue. "Lydias made me second of the institute." He didn't seem much surprised by this. Flailing about his hands for dramatic effect Magnus started his work.

"You were born to rule, the power you possess is far greater than the mortal spirit can deny." He paused and I stopped in my tracks.

"what does that mean, are you talking about the necklace?" I asked and he sighed. "Cause it takes a toll on me, I doubt I'm the one that should be wearing it." The empty spot on her chest made her fingers roll down to the locket on her chest. Magnus's eyes lingered on it before going back to study her eyes.

"Your swords do they still illuminate in your presence?" Piper took out one of her swords. It's light energy sending gleeful tingles up her arm. She put it away and caught up to magnus. "Those swords and your necklace are a set. Think of them as a machine. The necklace helps power the swords, but how do they work together?"

Piper thought for a moment, two pour sources need a coupling unit to unite them. "A third power source, so you're saying only shadow hunters can weild these." The reaction was iffy.

"Yes and no. It takes a special sort of shadow hunter to activate the necklace, only a being that was much more powerful than a normal shadow hunter."

"Clary was able to activate one of the swords. Does that mean that she's the same?" Magnus shook his head no, clearly he wasn't going to give her a straight answer.

"In time your memories will resurface, until then your mother swore me into not telling you anything. I have to live upon that promise.

"Your promise was to protect her daughter, isn't not telling me hurting me?" She grew more tense against her biological parents by the day. Angry that they had died, angry she hadn't known about them, angry at their secrets.

"I'm sorry Piper, but this is me protecting you." She brushed past him, walking into the training room to relieve her stress. Preferably into the nearest punching bag, that was until she saw Alec. Shirtless and sweaty punching into the bag with determination. At that moment she wanted to do unholy things, turning on her heel she moved to exit the room before anything could happen.

"Piper?" Alec called.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shot. Shit. Turning with a faked smile she stood rooted to the ground.

"Hey Alexander, didn't see you there." He gave her a look and she sighed walking over to him looking only straight at his face. "Okay I'm avoiding you."

"Why?" He asked motioning for her to spar with him. She did a few punches and a kick which he blocked.

"Because it's hard to be around you." She admitted, blocking his offense.

It was Alex's turn to block her attempts. "What do you mean?" He asked, having an idea but wanting to hear it.

"Don't say that." She growled, he caught her leg and flipped her onto her back. "You know exactly what I mean." She places her hands by her head and launched herself to her feet.

"No, I don't." He lied and this time it was her turn to knock him on his back. "Clue me in." He kicked her feet out from under her and she tripped onto him, Alec pinned her to his chest with his arms.

"Fine, you really want to hear it?" Piper had her head layer on his chest facing the side and she closed her eyes. "From day one all you did was annoy me, you and your glaring blue eyes and scowl and comebacks. Then I realized why I was annoyed, I was annoyed because it bothered me that you interested me. I was undeniably curious about you, finally you cracked open the door to who you were on the inside and I let you under my skin. I though maybe, just maybe I could hold a beautiful butterfly in my hand and not break it but I was wrong. You broke me into shards, and Isabelle and Clary picked me up of the stage and put me together. I thought we could be friends but right now all I want to do is kiss you."

Alec was perplexed, never had he heard someone admit their feelings out loud as she did. He turned her to face him and gently pressed her lips to his own. For a second she was still, Piper felt like her heart was going on the slingshot from the beach. She didn't know wether to laugh and enjoy the ride or feel nauseous. Like a shock she pulled herself off of him, coming to her senses she stood up. How dare he say he's arranged to marry someone else then give here hope and kiss her.

"Your a jerk Alexander lightwood." She stormed from the room, angry at him and herself. She should have just not gone into the training room in the first place.

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