11. Sweet tooth

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I woke with a start, seeing light through my lidded eyes. When I opened them I lay on a couch, still unable to move as Alec bounced his leg. Then Alec saw my wide eyes he called Magnus over. Magnus opened my jaw and poured a horrible tasting liquid in. Gagging and choking on the battery flavored juice Piper realized the feeling was coming back to her body.

I could finally move and that I did, sitting up I spat out the bitter taste and Magnus curled his lip. "New carpets, anyway, I got you a snack." He waved his hands and the table instantly was covered in chocolates and cakes and cookies and hot chocolate and cans of whip cream.

"Jesus Magnus, she can't eat that, you'll make her sick." Clary and Izzy walked into the room and Jace started talking with Alec. I started digging into the food, after all I hadn't eaten all week.

"On the contrary, see Piper is almost completely an angel. Therefore the sweets on earth are the closets thing to food in heaven." He pointed out and I had already eaten all the sugar cookies and started on the hot chocolate.

"What's that mean?" I asked before going back to my food.

"Piper, your magic is fuled by multiple things. That necklace your wearing, if your with other magical items, but all in all-"

"Angelic power." Jace spoke earning a nod from Magnus.

"She being angel, can draw from herself. But that weakens her. She doesn't have to eat every day but in order to keep her fueled up she requires the sweetest food you can find."

"There's no way she can eat all that." Alec spoke but the table was already half empty.

"Unlike you and I Alexander, piper can eat all of the sweets she likes and only gains more power." Magnus watched me eating whip cream from the can.

"Alrighty, so you can take your little red home now." He gently pushed me to Alec who steadied me, my hands still holding the whip cream.

At the institute Clary got sleep while I sat in the chair across from Izzy. "So how strong is this parabatai bond? Is it like twintuition? Well I guess it's not really twintuition anymore." Piper trailed off, though she knew clary and herself wernt related it felt weird. Clary was in denial about the whole thing, the two barely speaking about it.

"How are you feeling about everything? Finding out that you're not a Fairchild?" Izzy leaned over the table to rest her hand on Pipers. The gesture was appreciated but didn't help much.

It was overall strange, sort of like when you come out of a long movie. "Uh, okay I guess. I mean whoever my parents were hopefully good people. And I mean I want to know more about growing up with magnus. But clary's still family, so is mom—Jocelyn. I just wish I could remember." Piper looked at the warlock necklace on her neck. She wasn't special, she just had a cool necklace and a magic bond to Clary. "On the bright side I'm not valentines daughter."

Izzy chuckled, standing up to give Piper a brief hug before muttering something about training. She could tell that Piper wasn't in the mood to talk about this new information quite yet.

I sat on the counter, many people buzzed around the screens of the hub while I pressed the nozzle and filled my mouth with whip cream. When I closed my mouth Alec stood, brows raised at me.

"What, don't act like you've never done it before." I took note of his shirtless chest and sweat lined body. He had been training, now I was jealous.

"I haven't." He walked over to me. "You've got something on your." He stopped before using his thumb to wipe the whip cream off of my lip. He was standing close enough so I could feel the heat radiating off of him. I wanted to rap my legs around him and pull his face to mine but I didn't.

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