35. Hideaway

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After our game of pool we took seats at the bar. "So your other girlfriends must have either hated or loved your competitiveness." Piper addressed and he took a sip from his alcohol.

"Lydia didn't seem to mind." My head tilted slightly at his awkward manner.

"Alexander..you have had other relationships right?" I asked nervously and he tilted his head from side to side.

"There was never really time." Oh geez, I was dating a newbie and a virgin. This could go one of two ways. "What about you?"

"What about me?" I asked fidgeting with my fingers before he took a sip from his drink.

"How many relationships have you had?" He asked and I took a sip of my drink.

"Well, um it would have to be twenty.." I shrugged before his eyes brows raised. "But I don't care about them." I sighed and he nodded his face unreadable.

We started on our walk going nowhere before I bit my cheek. As we walked silently we stood outside my old apartment. I looked up at it nervously, as if any second I was going to be drug kicking and screaming into a fire.

"Do you want to go in?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Not particularly." I sighed before pulling him through the wall appearing in the institute. As we stood in one of the living room I sighed as he stopped me.

"Do you think we're just too different?" I looked around the room with vines and the glowing flowers with old artifacts around us. The archives was my place to hide away.

"We come from two different worlds." He sighed and started walking for the doors. I sighed, of course this wouldn't have worked, like all great things in my life he would also leave me. But then something surprised me.

He came back and kissed me, holding me like I would be torn away if he let go. Soft whispers of flowers opening and vines moving surrounded us. When my eyes opened as he pulled away I looked around. The flowers that decorated the vines and Columns were open glowing brightly and whispers like angels wings echoed through the room lit by the flowers.

"Midnight." Alec looked at me with beautiful crystal eyes and the different colored glows from the flowers cast lights over his face.

After arriving back in my room I decided on heading back to the apartment. I casually walked through the wall and re-appeared infront of the apartment. Walking to the door I placed my hand gingerly on the door knob. Why was overwhelming fear gripping my insides and twisting them like knots? Taking a breath I swung open the door and leapt inside the dark home. I painted for breath, looking around the charred rooms and broken items of my past life.

I looked around before sitting on one of the sofas, half chard. Although I did love living in the institute being around work 24/7 made me want to have a place of my own. My room at magnus's was nice but I couldn't exactly control the House. So it was decided, I was going to fix up this house.

I pulled out my new phone, courtesy of Magnus, and dig through the rubble of my room finding a scratched up pink wireless speaker.

"My selfish heart wasn't bit no good to you
At least not the way it intended to, woah
Your love was young, but it wound my old soul
When I said goodbye I wasn't ready, no oh."

I started with the kitchen, taking out everything and piling it in the center of the room. Glasses, plates, cups, chairs, everything I could find in the large room and placed it in the pile. I repeated this in every room until multiple piles almost to the roof stayed in every room.

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