44. Startling news

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Back at the institute Piper was doing barre exercises, point shoes laced around her ankles. Magnus was okay, shaken, but okay. Clary was with Simon and Jace, and Isabelle was beside her listening to her rant about Sebastian.

"I know that feeling, hell, I felt It." Izzy tried to mirror the red heads moves only to fail miserably.

"No, relax into it." Piper corrected "but anyway, have you um..spoken to him?" Piper inquired looking at her Parabatai as they sat on the floor untying the fabric shoes.

"If by him you mean Alec, then yes." She said taking pipers hand and turning her. "He really didn't mean it like that, it's been so long since there was something so good in his life other than family." She sighed and Piper nodded.

"I know, besides, I miss his smile." The red head admitted.

"Wow, you get him to smile?" Izzy joked and Piper smirked.

"I get him to do a lot of things." She said seductively and Izzy hit the back of her head.

"Believe me, you tell me too many details." She respond in annoyance. "Love you." She waved as we parted ways.

I headed back to my room, laying on my bed before I was being smushed into my bed by a large rock solid body.

"Alec, I can't breath." I grinned, shoving the boy beside me as he laughed holding onto me so I was on top.

"Are you calling me heavy?" He raised his eyebrows before tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I'm calling you muscular." I reasoned propping my elbow on his chest. "What's up?"

"We're going on a date." He said and I smiled. "Right now."

"Woah, What? Right now?" I shot up and he chuckled walking to the door.

"Yes, wear something that's okay to get wet." He winked before closing the door for me to change.

Shrugging I walked to my dresser finding my favorite bathing suit. It was tommy haflinger, Black with the band that repeated the brand over and over that crossed around my neck. It was a little small, or maybe just fit too good around my breasts. I pulled on one of Jaces shirts with Clary's shorts before grabbing a towel. Walking down the hallway I found Alec leaning against the wall.

"So where are we going?" I took his hand as he lead me to the elevator and then up a floor.

"To the pool, did you really think shadowhunters have no life?" He chuckled before opening a door to a large pool, glowing from lights under the water. "It's heated."

"Good." I grinned walking around the edge. "Where am I supposed to put my stuff?" I asked him holding up my towel.

"Hmm, let me think." He took my towel and set it on the ground.

"Alec, I'm not leaving my towel on the ground." I scowled crossing my arms.

"Oh, well I'm that case." He picked me up and put me over his shoulder at my protests. "I hope you can swim!" He shouted.

"Alec don't you dare even." I stopped to close my eyes as I was tossed into the pool. The water instantly soaked my shirt and shorts and skin as I sunk down. Oh I was going to have some fun with this. "Alec!" I gasped splashing about. "I can't swim!" I sunk down, blinking open my eyes as I let myself drift deeper.

With a splash above I heard Alec jump in before swimming me up. When we reached the shallow end he looked shaken up. "Piper are you okay?" He asked nervously.

I looked at him with a mischievous grin. "If I said I couldn't breath would you give me mouth to mouth also?" I asked and his nervousness turned to a grin.

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