7. Adjustments

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"Actually, were looking for the one your touching." Piper jumped in shock, looking at the angelic rune on it. "Boys! Piper found It." She called and the group gathered as Jace traced the rune on it and the top of the stone popped off revealing weapons.

"Great, I'm officially a grave robber." Piper searched through the weapons deciding on none of them.

"I'm leaving to go distract, see you later." Isabelle waved goodbye before Alec sighed in annoyance.

"There's no Bow, I've got to go back to the institute." He started walking but Jace stopped him.

"Won't they notice?" Jace said, "especially if you just walk right in the doors?"

Piper smirked, placing a hand on her hip. "They won't notice if we go in the back."

"We." Alec turned to her with a frown, "who said anything about we?" The red head turned to him with raised brows.

"I'm coming with you, no buts." Alec looked to Jace who nodded before rolling his eyes and storming. Back to The institute, Piper chasing after him. "Slow down BFG." Piper called, two of her jogging strides matching one of his walking pace.

"What does that even mean?" He asked, slowing down a fraction of a decimal.

They reached the door, piper leaning against he wall. "It's a movie, it stands for Big Friendly Giant." Alec glared at her, then traced a rune on the door and walking in.

"I'm not a giant." Piper laughed at this standing up to him as he stepped closer so they were almost chest to chest. "Your just small."

Piper had to look almost directly up to view his angelically carved face and crystal blue ivy eyes. His dark hair ruffled up while he glared down at her. She narrowed her eyes. "I happen to be very tall for a girl." She challenged before Alec stepped back walking into the empty training rooms and grabbing a bow and arrow while Piper looked around.

"You know I always dreamed about becoming Katniss Everdeen." She pretended to draw back a bow and pointed the imaginary weapon at a target.

When she let go of the imaginary string a very real arrow made a bullseye on the target. She yelped in shock spinning around to see a laughing Alec. She had never heard him laugh before, it tumbled from his chest and his perfect smile added onto it, making her smile.

"I thought I did that." Piper tried to be mad but her smile convinced him otherwise.

"Okay, let's see you go at it. I'm left handed so.." he handed her the bow and she took it grinning.

"So am I." She accepted the arrow and pulled back the string, once she had taken archery classes at a summer camp with Simon but she was ten at the time.

"Okay, first of all your stance is wrong." Alec walked behind her, placing his hands on her waist. Piper breath caught in her throat as he ran his hands down her sides to her thighs, widening her stance before adjusting her elbow. Even through her jeans and top her skin tingled where his fingers touched. She could feel his breath on her exposed neck as he left his hands lightly on her hips.

"The string should go to your lips." He whispered and she fought the urge to shiver or cave under his touch.

She let it go and the arrow flew into the bottom of the target causing him to let a breath of laughter brush her ears. "I would be a lot better if you weren't distracting me." Piper admitted and Alec stepped back.

Piper took a breath and brought the string to her lip, the arrow rested on the edge of her bottom lip before she shot making a near perfect bullseye.

"I've got to say, I'm impressed." Alec took the bow back, and she grinned before he handed her another one, this one glinted crystal on the grip before he handed her a quiver of arrows.

"Okay I'm not ready for this whole Robin Hood thing." She put her hands up and he raised his eyebrows.

"Fine, at least take a weapon". Alec waved his hands towards the wall of blades or any imaginable weapon.

Though all looked intriguing her feet lead her a diffrent way. "Where are you going?" He asked and she shook her head.

"I have no idea, it's like my subconscious is leading me." She walked towards the floorboards and kneeled over a symbol.

Her hands hesitated before she stopped herself. "I don't know what's in here, half of me wants to open it and the other half doesn't." Alec sighed, nodding for her to continue.

She took out the ruby stele and drew a rune on the tile as it chared the spot. It glow before it slid apart revealing two silver twin blades. Taking them she watched the tiles close over it again. Something about these blades seemed to accent what she already felt inside, like pieces of her.

Alec with brows raised took them and examined them. "These blades don't have a tag, you can't use them unless you know the name." He then pointed the hilts to her. "Look at the jewel at the hilt, it's the same."

"As my necklace." Her hand went up to the angelic silver rune with a red ruby in the center. She took the blades and entered the hub looking at them. "Everael, Gabriel." She whispered and the blades lit up with angelic white light. She heard voices and lay the blades down where they went back to glassy state, no longer silver. 

"It's like the necklace called to them, they must me linked or something." He touched the red stone on her chest carefully. It seemed to hum with energy, a little zap keeping him from touching it. he looked back into her eyes, she looked just as shocked as he was. "You grow more interesting by the day, red." She felt her heart skip a beat at the nickname, and at how close they were standing. As if realizing how close they were Alec cleared his throat, stepping back and breaking their connection.

"Uh, shouldn't you doodle on some arrows?" He rolled his eyes at her and picked up his stele and a handfull of arrows.

"Rune, not doodle." He corrected, but headed back into the hub. Piper held the two blades up, slowly moving them in the pattern her hands felt compelled to weave them. She could feel its power through her, sharing her energy and bonding with her. It was like it was an extension of her, protecting her with its own will.

A mumble of voices from behind the closed door caught her attention. Looking up she slid the swords through her belt, tip toeing to the door and slowly opening it.

"And now your running around with valentines daughters, he was a monster, what about them." The man know as hodge stated, noticing Piper through the crack in the door. Having being caught already she slid it the rest of the way open, walking into the room fully.

"I'd like to say that Valentine might have had a hand in giving birth to my sister and I but he will never, ever be my father. You can't judge a person by their parents." I glared before Alec looked at me. "I get it if you don't want to come with me, but if I can't trust you to have my back then don't come." Just like that pipers happy bubble was popped. One second Alec was helping her shoot a bow and he next he listening to a man spit poison on her name.

She picked up the blades, sticking them into her waistband before walking out the door. "Piper wait." Alec called after her. "I'm coming." He sighed and she nodded. There was a small twitch at the corner of his mouth, fighting off a smile at her. Of course it was Jace dragging him into this mess, but he couldn't exactly say no to the redhead when she turned to look over her shoulder.

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