51. A cure of blood

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It was max and I, stuck in the bed. I could do this, if I could heal my spine I could heal my paralysis, and I know who could help me.

"Lightwoods!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and the four adults came in. "Okay this is going to sound odd but I can heal max and myself." I said and Izzy took my hand.

"What do you need?" She asked and I bit my cheeks looking at Alec,

"I'm going to need you to slit my wrists." I said and Mayrse gasped.

"How would that help you?" She asked and I shook my head.

"It's to help max." I answered, before alec put the edge of a sword to my wrist looking at me with nervousness.

"Do it." I said and he hesitated "Alec, do it!" I shouted and he drug it across my wrist, thick red blood pouring out. "Izzy grab that glass." I looked to the glass and she let my blood slowly fill it.

"lustra cruor, dilectus meus angelus." I Spoke watching the blood shift into glowing gold, I had activated the angelic properties. "I don't know if this is going to work, this could either kill him or save him." I told mayrse swatching the bloods glowing gold shine start to fade.

"Do it." Robert decided and we watched Alec tip back the glass. My wrists had already healed although I was drowsy once more, I faught it. Max's core glowed, the healing rune glowing golden before Max's breathing evened out.

"He's going to be okay." Izzy smiled stroking her younger brothers hair. They all crowded around max as I lay in my bedroom. My mirror across from my bed showed me my reflection, pale and slightly sweaty. Something bad was going to happen, Sebastian or Johnathan I had no idea. I thought of the past week and came to the decision, Sebastian was Johnathan.

He hurt me
He hurt clary
He hurt Jace
He hurt Alec
He hurt izzy
He hurt innocent people
But I think the final straw was when he hurt max.

The anger built inside me, enough to make me drag myself from the bed and take my two sharpened swords, stumbling through the hallways. No way was he getting out of here. The more I walked the more strength I grew until I was sprinting.

When I made it to the entrance hall I saw Sebastian taking clary. Not on my watch, inside I wanted to let go of all my power, burn the world down to kill one man however I decided on blowing a hole through the wall.

Sebastian tossed clary through the rubble turning to me, my lip curled and bile raised in my throat as I held my silver blades ready, the runes glowing electric blue.

"Johnathan." I said his name with as much venom as I could. "You May think you know how to fight, but I will end you." I growled and he chuckled deeply.

"Oh Piper, your brother had as much venom as you did. Right before I killed him too." He said and I shouted, plunging my blades at him but he vanished in a cloud of black smoke. My swords were embedded in the ground.

"Clary!" Alec said helping her up.

"Are you okay?" Jace asked her and she nodded looking at me. I stayed, on my knees with my head resting on the hilts of my swords, anger bubbling through my body. Sebastian had killed my parents, my brother, and he had come after everything that I held dear.

"Piper, I'm so sorry." Clary rubbed my back as the two boys bent infront of me.

"What happened? Piper are you hurt?" Alec looked over me and my hair in its ponytail swayed.

"He killed my family." I whispered. "My brother faught with these swords, to make sure I lived on. That's why he's going to die, by the angel Johnathan will die." I promised and Jace nodded.

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