9. Skin tight

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"Simon, we can't leave, it's not that easy." Clary tried to reason.

"Yes you can, you hardly know them and suddenly your risking your lives for eachother?" Simon asked.

"These are my people, our people." Clary put a hand on my shoulder.

"No, Piper and I are leaving with or without you Clary." Simon grabbed my hands dragging me to the door.

"You take her out that door and I swear to go-" Alec stepped infront of us and Izzy cut him of.

"What my brother means to say is, you leave with my parabatai and you'll be in trouble."

He let go of me, and left out the door. "Wow, already jumping to the title?" I grinned at Izzy who shrugged.

"Let's just say that...your not the only one with secrets." Izzy flipped her hair and linked hands with myself. Then she turned and smirked at Alec who gave her a glare. "I don't need to have known you that long, I feel like we're meant to be sisters."

When we had all gathered round Hodge told us about Magnus bane and all the news on him. Izzy showed us a downworlders rave invite.

"Now." She rubbed her hands together. "I have twins to deal with." She lead Clary and I to her room where we sat down, watching Clary show us outfits. She settled on a pair of black leggings under a black dress that v-necked to show her purple stone necklace.

"It looks good on you." Izzy nodded and I grinned.

"You've never looked so much like me before." I encouraged and Clary sent me a white hot glare. Then she proceeded to admire herself.

"Your lucky you have such a flat chest, your sister or I would have to wear a bra." Izzy's comment was undecided and Clary tilted her head.

"Twin." Clary corrected. "And Piper gets to get changed now." Isabelle walked behind the changing wall thing and started shuffling through her clothes. I heard Jace come in and Izzy and I peeked through he crack to watch.

"It's just, piper and I have always had eachother-" idiot, don't drag me into your talk. "But now I have you."

I smirked, she blinked.

"She's going for damsel in distress." I whispered to Izzy who covered her smile.

"And I'm always going to protect you." He then handed her a sword before walking out.

"You sneaky little blonde." I laughed and Izzy sat on her bed looking amused. "Last month Clary told me she wanted to die her hair red like mine so everyone could stop asking if we're twins. It didn't turn out right." I laughed holding a orange strand.

"That's your fault." She laughed and I rolled my eyes At her annoying manner.

"Now go get changed, I have to take care of my brother. He never knows what to wear." Izzy walked out of he room while I walked behind the changing screen to see what she had chosen. When Piper put it on she felt naked, the right and short dress barely covered her butt And was basically cut out on the hips and around her waist was mesh. The top required no bra because it was tight enough to be a second skin. Paired with the black high heels her legs looked like giraffe legs.

"Izzy I don't think this is going to work." I spoke walking into the room and her jaw hit the ground.

"Oh yes it is." Clary began to curl he girls hair as Isabelle wiped of the makeup revealing a handful of freckles across her nose and plum naturally rosey lips. After her hair had been twisted up into a elegant updo her flames for hair was held up by her ruby stele.

"Now come downstairs, everyone's waiting." Izzy instructed her best friend of one week.

"Okay okay." Sighed piper, "give me one second."

They nodded going down the stairs as piper wrapped a giant black trench coat that went to her knees around herself, tying it and then going down the stairs.

"You look...cozy." Jace laughed and Piper gave him the finger.

"Piper what in God's green earth are you doing." Izzy almost blew up.

"Izzy I can't just walk the streets practically..." she trailed off, Alec walked in with his black hair tousled in all directions, a fresh black shirt and black pant all brought out his cream skin. Runes covered his arms and one on his neck. His god crafted face and icy blue eyes roamed the room. "Naked." She finished her sentence.

"Piper, honey your drooling." Jace elbowed her and pipers face heated up as she looked away from Alec, who in turn looked at her.

"I wasn't!" She defended. "Izzy?"

"Oh so your on nicknames huh?" Clary asked the girl.

"Come on little red." Izzy dragged the bunch out.

When the group arrived outside the party Alec watched Piper. Her eyes looked around in curiosity. The way how he could never tell what color they were intrigued him. Her red hair was held in place by here stele, it amused him how Piper used a dangerous shadowhunter tool to hold her hair. The black long jacket made her look mundane which she was far from.

"God damnit, piper take the jacket off or I will burn it off you." Isabelle yelled at the girl.

"Chill Izzy." He called his sister who sent him a glare.

"I'm practically naked, I've never even seen so much of myself." Piper attempted a whisper.

"In that case, hurry up and take it off." Jace smirked, he recieved an elbow in the gut from the redhead. Clary looked daggers into the back of his head, obviously he was joking.

They stood in the entrance to the party and Piper grudgingly slid off the jacket, hanging it on the coat hanger beside her.

Alec's eyes widened, pipers long legs looked even longer, the skinny yet clearly muscular lightly tanned skin silky. The black dress had mesh cutouts in the midsection and the dress itself stuck to her curves. It dipped down deeply to the center of her chest showing off her bust while the shortness showed off her butt.

She nervously looked around as What the shadowhunters left her. "Don't ever put that jacket on again." Alec said surprising piper and himself.

Then she smiled. "I'll keep it in mind." She said to him. "I'm still not tall enough to see over your shoulders though. Piper put her hand on his shoulder before disappearing into the crowd leaving him thinking to himself.

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