47. All but one

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After Piper braided her hair in a halo around her head stray curls fell around her face and a few stray hairs from the side of her neck

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After Piper braided her hair in a halo around her head stray curls fell around her face and a few stray hairs from the side of her neck. She placed a silver and black twisted crown with gold flowers starting the three tallest points in the front of her head. The black dress made her look like something from a dream in black. Her heels boosted her taller as she grinned in the mirror.

She walked confidently, the black lace dragging behind her billowing slightly as Alec's mouth dropped open even the other four men's faces showed shock.

"Damn my Parabatai is hot." Izzy gawked and Piper chuckled placing a simple silver circlet with sapphires on her head.

"Hi, I'm Piper Michealson." She greeted the tan warlock.

"I see there's no progress on the memory biscuit." He smiled shaking her hand.

Biscuit, when she was little Magnus bane had called her that. Magnus, this was Magnus, the warlock who helped raise her.

"Magnus, i remember." Piper gasped seeing more paint on the canvas that was her mind.

"What happened to Princessa? Is she okay?" The vampire asked worriedly and I turned to him.

"Tell me something about you or what we've done to trigger my memory." I motioned for him and he thought a moment.

He hissed, fangs sharp and glaring at me. "I can smell your pure angelic blood princessa, what makes you think you side with the downworld?"

The memory clicked. "Because I may be an angel but demon blood raised me, so the downworld is my souls and the angels in my heart." I recited. "Raphael, I remember you dragging my ass out of bed when I was ten and forcing me to eat when Magnus couldn't." I chuckled and he nodded.

"And I'm luke, Jocelyn and I raised you the other half of the time." He smiled. "I arrested you on your sixteenth birthday because you and Clary broke into a greenhouse to plant flowers." He chuckled.

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