4- the goblet of huffelpuff

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after a bit of formality between Alec and Piper they had began to argue. Piper angry about how she couldn't throw daggers properly and Alec frusterated with her attitude. "You're the one who flounced in here and acted like you owned the place." He shrugged, crossing his arms. It wasn't his problem if she couldn't do it right.

My mouth dropped. "I. Did. Not. Flounce!" I Shouted. "I woke up half naked in a room of strangers."

"Oh yeah you did, right before you walked around all rich kid like and acted like you had Jace wrapped around your fingers." He glared harder, if ever a thing and I grit my teeth.

"Jace, so this is what this is about. You can't yell at Clary for liking jace so you result in yelling at her twin. News flash buddy, Jace is into her, not me." Alec's face contorted in anger before storming up to me.

"That's not what this is about." His cold voice made me want to step back but I held my ground. "This is you acting like a brat."

My nostrils flared. "A brat? Okay maybe I've acted a little self confident but that's because I'm barely hanging on Alec. My mother was just ripped away from me and my whole life just came crashing down. I'm with some strangers and one of them is already driving a wedge between my twin and I. And you have non stop beat me up, and all I feel right now is utterly terrified and my arm is numb." I Shouted throwing my hands out to my sides.

Alec looked momentarily shocked at my outburst, he stood there silently before looking at the target. "I guess I can make a shadowhunter out of you after all." He motioned with his chin to the target with a dagger deeply embedded into he bullseye. Ha, maybe I was getting somewhere. "But first let's deal with you arm."

I followed him into the main room where he pulled out a crystal wand with silver around it. "Oh wow, for the first time today I know something about this." I reached into my boot and drew the similar wand thing but mine was ruby.

"You have a stele?" He gawked reaching for it like a child and candy.

"Hey now." I yanked it back. "You have your own wand Harry Potter." I protectively held mine to my chest and he squinted at me. Why didn't anyone get my references.

"This isn't a wand, and I don't know who Harry Potter is." It was my time to squint, how large was the rock that he lived under?

"You don't know who Harry Potter is?" He shook his head. "What about Darth Vader?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "W-what about katniss Everdeen?" He once again shook his head. "Power range—"

"Sit down, hot head." He instructed and I raised a brow. So we were on a nickname basis now eh?

"Are you calling me hot Alexander?" I charmed, he frowned looking at his stele before back at me. His cheeks tinted as he became flustered.

"No! No I'm not, I was just saying-" he rushed and I laughed.

"I'm kidding, but like, don't ever call me that again. We might have problems." He took my arm unwrapping the bandages on my arm.

"You have problems." He replied half into the sarcastic comment and I pulled my head back, nodding in agreement. Boy did he know.

"Tell me about it." He looked at the through and through arrow wound and gently touched the red angry skin. He glanced to the spot on my thigh where the arrow had gone through, hidden behind fabric.

"I healed that one up when you came in." He admitted. Of course she'd noticed when putting on her pants.

"I'm not thanking you for fixing something you messed up in the first place."

"I got you good, honestly one second I'm focused and the next I'm looking at-" he stopped himself, going ridged. I smirked, flashing my eyes up to look through his shaded lashes.

"Looking at what? BFG." I asked and he shook his head, rasing his stele to my arm to go over the wound on my arm. "Woah now, at least take me to dinner first." I pull from his grasp as Jace and Clary come in.

I wasn't exactly thrilled at the thought of him prodding the bite with a stick.

"What are you doing Alec?" Clary asked, coming closer with Jace in tow.

"I got close to her with my Stele and she freaked out." Alec told the blonde, as if this would explain things, Clarys eyes widened.

"Woah horsie. This is my twin your talking about." She said, earning my own laughter and a snort from Jace. Alec made a face at her before holding the crystal wand up.

"This is a stele." Her face came to realization. Now she was red with embarrassment, hadn't mom told her about the stele?

"I have one-I must have left it at my apartment." She sighed and Jace put a hand on my shoulder. Cringing at the human contact which I didn't really like.

"Uh no." I pushed it off of me. "No touching, I don't care who you are if your name is not Clary, Simon, Mom, or Dot you cannot put your hand on me." I glared and he looked in bewilderment to Clary.

"She freaks out about contact, I swear she has emotions she just doesn't do contact." She explained and Jace nodded. Looking between Clary and I with that same confused emotion.

"I'm going to do the healing rune on your arm to fix this." Alec began to trace the rune onto my skin and a warm feeling flowed through it and I sighed in contempt. It was like a good kind of burn, something that made me feel purposeful.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Alec asked and I frowned.

"Should it?"

The plan was to go get Dot, who knew everything about us from my mother. The thing was that nobody could find the warlock.

"Pippi can we talk?" Clary asked, glancing around the other people who looked on.

"Pipp-" I turned to Jace and glared at him.

"Only Clary gets to call me that." He nodded, understanding the value before I let Clary lead me into Isabelle's room. "What's up?"

She looked at me sighing. "Are we going to talk about what you did at pandemonium, or at the apartment?" She referred to the ruby shield that I had somehow managed to create.

"Clary, I don't know what that was or how I did it." I said, "but first of all we should find Dot."

Isabelle walked into the room with a grin. "Not before we have a little chat." She sat on her bed and Clary and I looked at her.

"You've got the hots for my brother." She pointed to me with a smirk and my mouth dropped open. I obviously did but I wasn't going to sit here and let her know that.

"No I don't!" I shot back and she laughed, desperately I turned the conversation to Clary. "Clary likes Jace."

Clary blinked, "Well..I mean If he's seeing someone.." she looked at Isabelle expectantly and she laughed.

"Translation, are Jace and I dating." She paused. "No, we were raised together, basically siblings." Clary smiled, looking at her feet.

"We saw you eye Alec up earlier, and we know about your Time in pandemonium." Clary smirked at the glaring Piper.

"I didn't eye him up." The red head crossed her arms. "If anything he's the one who eyes me up."

"Didn't eye who up?" Jace looked in through the door and we all put on stoic faces.

"Nothing." We all chorused following the confused blonde into the hub.

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