53. Dragons or demons

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I gasped open, clutching my throat. Memories played into my head of last night. I was in my room, face down. Good I wasn't dead, but that didn't explain a lot of questions. I felt soreness of my back, reaching back i felt my shirt cut out. I walked to the bathroom, looking in the mirror. I looked like death, pale skin and tangled, limp red hair. Dried blood soaking my clothes, it was a Miracle I was still alive, stepping into the shower I began to cleanse myself.

We still needed to be on the hunt for valentine, and I didn't feel well about not recovering Johnathans dead body. As I finished on my hair I moved to my body. Last night, I can heal but I can't heal what should be dead. I was falling to the rocks, how on earth did I magically fly into the sky.

I got out of the shower, drying off before drying my hair so that it was its normal, vibrant red-orange and slightly curly. I frowned noticing a rune between my shoulder blades. It was a glamour, powerful at that. I ran my fingers over it, almost like it was sending info to my brain.

The glamour was so strong that it not only concealed but it made it so that you couldn't feel or touch it either. Focusing on it I ran my stele over it, turning it off. I screamed, white golden feathers caught my vision, giving off a metallic sheen to them. Wings, large enough to go around my body and hide me were folded on my back.

I spread them out, knocking over half the bathrooms contense in doing so and not having enough room to widen them. I bent one around me gently and stroked a feather. It was soft, This was probably what had caused me to fly earlier.

I needed I have a chat with clary and all of my friends. I had questions, and questions for Micheal too. As if on queen they ripples out of sight and I reached to my back only feeling normal skin. I could show them or hide them as I pleased. Walking to my closet I pulled on black leather pants and a green tank top before marching into the op center.

"What the fuck." I spoke angerly grabbing the attention of Jace clary Izzy and Alec. "The fuck did you do to me?" I looked at hem for answers.

"The rune?" Clary asked. "For your wings?"

"That's exactly what I'm talking about." I crossed my arms.

"I've never seen anything like it, shadowhunters don't have angel wings, you've got angel blood, your basically a angel." Alec said as I ran into his embrace. I just wanted to be out of a war, be in his arms curled up in a warm bed.

"But I'm not an angel, I'm a Shadowhunter." I whispered and Izzy patted my lower back.

"Your welcome to help with valentine but you don't have to." She said and I shook my head, everyone was putting their problems aside, I should do so also.

"No, tell me what we've got." I said placing my hands on the table. I would accept everything, I had wings, I should use them.

"The warlock wards are still up, So valentine is still in the city." She pulled up a 3-D map of the city. "We're doing a block by block search."

"Good, how about Johnathan? We need to recover the body." I looked to clary and then Alec.

"Pipers right, in our line of work we saw what assuming someone's dead got us." Jace agreed and I smirked.

"Does the famous Jace Wayland take my side?" I smirked and he rolled his eye.

"Don't get used to it." Alec said and I shook my head at him. I stood with him and smiled as he looked over me for injuries.

"Hm, if you wanted to check me out you should have just asked." I said and he rolled his eyes, a small smile on his lips.

"I'm making sure your okay." He answered and I rolled my eyes. "Piper, we've been distant recently, I want you to know I still love you." He said and my eyebrows arched.

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