38. The newfound cousin

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The group went inside and Magnus used a spell to search all of them coming up clean. With narrowed eyes Piper searched the house with her eyes, it had to be something new. Something like the-

"Red haired cat." Magnus narrowed his eyes and my eyes widened as I chased after him.

"The What?" Simon asked before we ran into the red bedroom and looked around.

From under the covers a hiss was heard, I janked back the blankets as a cat lunges out. With a flick of his hand Magnus turned the cat into Iris and she glared.

"You!" I growled and she sent a spell which I blocked with a shield, like Magnus, but everyone else wasn't as lucky. I bolted after the woman who shot spells back and forth before jumping over the table and slamming her to the ground, holding her in a headlock. It came to the point where I considered biting her, i probably would have if Magnus hadn't held her with a spell. Reluctantly I removed myself allowing her to hover above the ground, my hands at her neck.

"What have you done with my spell book!" Magnus asked and my hand around her neck tightened.

"V-valentine." She choked and I knashed my teeth, ready to snap her neck in my hands.

"Release them." I motioned and she did, the lightwoods, Clary and Simon appearing in the doorway.

"No, don't-" she choked and my fingers itched to crack her neck.

"Why not?" Piper spoke "you tried to impregnate me! Can you believe how awful that it." I paused to look at Alec a moment. "By a demon I mean." I gave a flicker of a smile before looking back to the warlock.

"I'm all Madzie has." She said and the bridge of my nose crinkled. I couldn't leave a little girl finding her magic alone, it reminded me of myself.

"Piper." Alec reasoned and with a deep face of anger I settled on breaking her hand into fragments with a twitch of my eye, although my power had been more than I expected and had gone into her arm, so many fractures it would never heal properly. She screamed out and I let her go, horrified at myself, she deserved a broken arm, not a shattered arm. Like her skin was fire I recoiled shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Clary, Piper, find madzie, you swore a blood oath." She shouted before vanishing. "Valentine made me swear not to hurt either of his girls."

"Excuse me?" I frowned. "I'm not his daughter."

I turned warily, all looked at me with mixed emotions, I picked out simons easily as fear before it vanished. I had become what I most dreaded, a monster.

"And you always will be poison to those you touch." A whisper echoed in my ear before I closed my eyes turning my head to the floor.

"The reason Clary was wanted unharmed has to have a reason." Magnus questioned and I closed my eyes trying Clary and my bond, coming to only a blank spot where a teather once stood. What had happened to our bond? As a matter of fact it had been ages since a single one of Clary's thoughts or dreams had come to mind.

"Clary take my hand." I said and she looked at it almost nervously. Ouch, that hurt. "Trust me." I pleaded and she did, I closed my eyes prying at her mind before coming to a memory, blanketed by a spell.

"Piper I realize you would like to snoop around in her head but is now really-" Magnus frowned but I finally saw it. A branch, names sprouting off of it like a branch of a family tree.

"Magnus! I need a white board." He stood still. "NOW!" I shouted and after he snapped his fingers I rushed to the board, seeing branches and roots all with names.

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