34. Iron sisters and dates with misters

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I nearly fainted with joy as Isabelle, Clary, and I walked to the gates of the iron sisters. I had the faintest memory of coming here with my mother once. Her mother's sister was a iron sister if I focused hard enough I could almost see the woman.

"I always wanted to be an iron sister." Izzy grinned and I looked to the place in awe.

"Who wouldn't want to be one? I most defiantly would have joined but I couldn't exactly swear off Alec." I smirked and Clary raised her eyebrows. "What? Have you seen his hands?" I wiggles my brows and Clary covered her mouth and Isabelle made gagging noises.

"Hello, sister of the boy here." She pointed to herself and I rolled my eyes.

"You know I was thinking it." I smirked at her and she glared at me.

"I didn't want to." She glared back at me as we walked into the the gates a flicker of lights before women In white appeared, their swords drawn and pointed to us.

"State your names." One woman demanded and Isabelle spoke proudly.

"Isabelle ligbtwood."

"Diana Michaelson."

"Clarissa Fairchild."

Clary's name made them shift their eyes to eachother before going back to her. "Valentines daughter." The 'leader' spoke and Clary sighed.

"He May have help in my birth but he will never be my father, he killed my mother, did tests on my brother, killed my sisters family." Clary glances at me before looking back. "I want him gone just as much as you."

"We want to know why valentine stole the soul sword." I asked as they lowered their weapons letting us walk with them as lady Cleo spoke.

"The answers you seek rest in the sitadel But the sitadel Is way to fragile for any demonic traces to be held. So you must all go through a test to prove you are pure." She spoke and then each got handed a dress. I quickly changed, the thin fabric had a lace pattern atop it, so that when it became translucent I wouldn't be completely naked Atleast.

Clary went first, Izzy stopping her to say something before the blonde lay in the water. As the iron sister spoke words the water seemed to glow white for a few moments.

"Clary Fairchild, you are free of any demonic traces." She spoke and Clary emerged from the water happily.

I went next stepping into the water and floating on my back. The water hissed at my skin and soon bibles white, a red halo of hair floated around my head. "Diana Michealson you are free of any demonic traces." I stood, soaking wet beside Clary as Isabelle walked in.

She lay on her back and the same words were spoke before the water began to churn, black bubbles rising like a boiling pot of water. "Izzy!" I leapt in pulling the girl out of the water, fearing that she might have been injured or worse if she stayed in.

Izzy cling to me, panting for breath. "What happened?"

"There must be some sort of mistake." Clary shook her head in confusion.

"The water doesn't lie, unlike others." She pointed her gaze at Izzy and I stepped infront of her, putting an arm out as if to stop them from going at her.

"You can leave if you so wish?" The other iron sister informed me and Izzy shook her head.

"We need answers, you two go ahead, I'll wait here." Izzy instructed and I waited before she nodded in assurance "I'll be fine."

Clary and I walked beside Sister Cleo into the beautiful building. "The iron sisters make all shadow hunter weapons from pure atamus. But the soul sword was given to the first shadowhunter as a gift." The domed Celling

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