23. Fugitive

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While in the real world......

Piper was pacing before the portal. "You know, since I originally offered only you a transport into the portal but you sent Clary in instead I can still allow you to go." Mileorn spoke, trying to do yoga while the annoyed Jace and Piper had frequent pointless arguments.

"Alright I can't take it, I've got to see what's going on in the institute." I started walking through the woods.

"Piper I can't loose you too." Jace stormed after before rolling her eyes. He was really taking the protective thing overboard.

"Jace, let me have five seconds with my Parabatai okay? Five seconds?" He nodded storming away before I closed my eyes rubbing my temples.

"Hocus pocus.....bipity boppity boo.....alakazam..." then I jolted. "Izzy?" I called and she stood up looking around. I felt dizzy then nauseous before with a crack my back slammed into the tiles of the institute, Izzy looking down at me in horror.

"Piper what the hell, you just fell from the ceiling." I groaned as she helped me up.

"No way." I gasped looking around. "Magnus told me I might be able to teleport, that wasn't too bad." I grinned before realizing something. "Izzy...I'm in my underwear aren't I." I didn't ask, from the cold around my skin I could tell.

She nodded and I raised my hands to my hair pulling the stele from my arm and waving it over the glamorize. "I upped the glamorize though, only those with a link to me can see me." I chuckled and Isabelle shrugged.

"I can see you." Isabelle pointed out And I scoffed.

"Of course you can, we're linked, idiot." Yelling came from down the hall, I recognized it at Alec. "Alec."

I bursted out the door before Izzy could stop me and made my way down the hall. Luckily the door to his room was open. Hodge stood  a few paces away, Lydia beside hodge. I moved slowly onto the bed beside him, they didn't seem to notice. I wanted to whisper words of comfort to the man who tried to track his Parabatai. Instead I gently placed a hand on his, Alec looked but didn't move away. I moved his hair from his face and he relaxed.

"I know where Jace is." Alec muttered and they left leaving him 'by himself' but in reality i was there too. I leaned over his tired face, I could use this Chance to fully admire his very attractive self.

"Penelope when your done hovering can you move your hair from my eyes and tell me what exactly your doing here." Alec asked and I stumbled back.

"You can see me?" I gasped and he scowled, getting up and pulling on a shirt.

"Well your glamour wasn't good enough to fool me." He brush passed me. "Now I have to turn you over to lydia because your going to be questioned, I covered you and my sister and now you've given the cup to your sister and that was the only thing that could save her." He glared before standing in the doorway. "And when I get back that's what we're doing." He slammed And locked the door.

"Who puts a damn lock on the outside of a room." I slammed my fist into the door. I ran to the wall that lead to The room Izzy was currently stuck in. "Listen Izzy, I'm going to find a way to save you from this trail, I swear-"

"Piper don't you dare swear what I think you are!" She yelled through the door. "You know it will cost you your life if you break it."izzy slammed her fist into the wall.

"I swear on the angel that I won't let you be punished at this trial." I cracked my knuckles, then my neck, then hopped up and down before closing my eyes and taking a step through my self made portal.

"Magnus I need your-" I screeched as I fell from the ceiling of the den and landed on the table, groaning and withering in pain Magnus bane looked at me.

"My fish is not a pillow, and why on earth would you come from the ceiling?"  I was still trying to regain my breath, my head lay on the tuna fish on the plate and I looked up at his concerned face.

"I'm going to need a second." I breathed, my breath finally regaining as I stood up and stretched my arms.

He sniffed the air. "And a shower, you smell like raw fish and sweat." He cringed. I opened my mouth to complain but he raised a finger.

"Magnus I-"

"Bubububhb." He pushes a finger onto my lips to silence me and I my cheeks were squished. "Shower first, talk after." He pointed me towards a guest bedroom which I walked into. Turning on the water I waited, laying down on the bed as the water heated up. I was so tired from all of this week I had maybe gotten 4 hours total.

"Piper what's taking so..." Magnus trailed off walking into the guest room to see Piper sprawled out on the bed, the shower still running. He turned of the water in the bathroom before walking back into the bedroom. Magnus adjusted the girl so her head was on the pillow and pulled the blankets over her. He had felt protective of the girl, his friend and in some ways his daughter. Like Xo and Jane from Jane the virgin, which was his favorite show at the time. "Goodnight Piper." He walked to the doorway, flipping the lights off and looked at her for awhile.

"Alec." The girl muttered, her fingers twining into her dark lock of hair. Magnus smiled, she didn't know the reason a lock of her hair had turned out black but he did. Magnus knew how much the two shadowhunters cared for each other, not wanting to admit it aloud.

Magnus wanted the child who had been through so much, still had to go through so much more to enjoy the little happy in life.

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