43. Saving magnus

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Piper had enough, enough of Valentine claiming to be Magnus bane. She shoved past the guards and banged open the door to the cell and pointed her sword at his throat.

"Alicante May have denied the request to end You but I'm not them." Pipers eyes narrowed, shining a red grey color.


"Don't!" She cut him off "You don't get to call me that."

"It's me, Magnus bane, when the greater demon was here Azazel swapped valentine and I." He pleased and my lip poured as I mulled over the thought.

"Tell me something only Magnus would know."

"When you were first learning your abilites, everyone thought that you had warlock blood, I had to keep it a secret of the truth." He said and I scowled.

"Everyone thought that." I said. "It's not good enough."

"I know how your family died!" He said and my confidence flickered.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked lowering my sword slightly.

"It wasn't the day of the rebellion, it was the night before. Your mother and father, and brother were all with you in the livingroom." He said slowly and my face started to drop as the memory solidified in my brain.

"It was storming outside, a thunderstorm. Your brother was making it dance on his hands as you tried to touch it. Then the greater demon came, your father tried to fight it off as your mother took you and your brother through the courtyard-"

"Stop." I whispered, not wanting to hear the rest of it.

"She told Xavier to run with you to me, that I would take care of you two. So she stood in the rain, as you saw the demon come out and slit her throat-"

"Stop." I said backing up, my sword clattering to the ground.

"When your brother came to me, both of you were covered in water, a three year old girl screaming for her mother and a teenage boy who was too brave for his good. So Xavier went outside, standing in front of his baby sister and called the heavens down on the demon, but it came with a price. Xavier died from the poison of the demon."

"I said stop!" Piper yelled curling into the corner, only Magnus would know the true story.

"Penelope, you love sweet things because they remind you of the heavenly food your mother stirred from clouds of the kingdom, coco is your go to, you secretly love glitter, and you chose to deny your dream dance school to be here with the shadow world." Valentine said and I stood eyes glinting back and forth between his frighten ones.

"Magnus!" I ran to him to huff him in the swapped body and he sighed in relief.

"Biscuit, finally someone believes me." He smiled but before I could reach him Alec had grabbed me back lifting my feet from the ground.

"Alec put me down, that's Magnus! Their swapped, you have to believe him." I told him and he glare at him.

"Alec, no it's me, Piper!"

"Magnus, I will fix this, I'll figure it out!" I shouted before being locked outside the cell looking at Alec.

"Piper that's Valentine, he's done some kind of mind compulsion." Alec's hands held my face and I closed my eyes.

"Alec, he is the only one to know how my family died." I sighed and his face looked as though it wanted to believe me.

"How about this, you don't do anything crazy until I go talk to Magnus at his apartment, Okay?" He offered and I sighed.

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