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kookiee : babeeeeeeee

imjimin : kookieeeeeee

kookiee : we have presentations tomorrow in government

kookiee : what the fuckkkkkkkk

imjimin : i know

imjimin : im working on mine right now

imjimin : its great

kookiee : i hate you

kookiee : this is hard

imjimin : id help but you don't want me to know who you are sooooo

kookiee : i hate you more

imjimin : you definitely do not

imjimin : now go work on your presentation

kookiee : mkayyy

imjimin : byeeee

a/n -- dis is really boringgggggg ~
have you ever missed someone but you're not sure if they miss you ? that's me rn

-- taestan

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