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"yoongi hyung!" jungkook yelled as his hyung tickled him. "stop, please! im sorry! you're not that short!"

yoongi gave in and stopped tickling the younger. jungkook let out a cute giggle and pecked his hyungs lips.

"i love your laugh." yoongi smiled making jungkook blush.

"i love yours too."

this time the younger connected their lips. the kiss was sweet and short.

the two sat up in yoongi's bed afterwards and yoongi sighed.

"ive got something for you." he said and jungkook raised an eyebrow at his hyung. "what is it?"

yoongi got up and walked over to his dresser, grabbing a small box that was on top of it before sitting back down.

they were facing each other and smiling softly. jungkook was excited to see what it was.

the older handed the boy the box and motioned for him to open it.

"before you open it though... just tell me if you don't like it. don't pretend you do."

jungkook rolled his eyes and chuckled softly. "im sure i'll love whatever it is hyung." yoongi bit his lip as the younger slowly opened the tiny box.

"ive got to experience a lot of your firsts with you. i was your first kiss, i was your first, i was your first roommate and so many other things. so i was wondering if you'd like to experience a couple more with me. i want to be your first promise... and your first boyfriend if you'd let me?"

jungkook gasped lightly at yoongi's words and at the beautiful ring that was in the tiny box.

he threw himself at his hyung and buried his face in the olders neck.

"yes, yes, yes." jungkook squealed and that made yoongi chuckle softly.

yoongi pulled away and grabbed the tiny box from the younger. he placed the ring on jungkook's finger and then kissed the youngers hand.

jungkook smiled and pressed his lips against yoongi's.

after they pulled away the two both breathed out the same three words.

"i love you."

a/n -- a lil update just because
my phone is also dry af so a spam would be much appreciated lmaooo

a/n -- a lil update just becausemy phone is also dry af so a spam would be much appreciated lmaooo

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-- taestan

I LOVE YOU... I THINK | JIKOOKGIWhere stories live. Discover now