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kookiee : so where is this place ?

imjimin : just come to my house and we can go together

imjimin : unless you're going with yoongi of course

kookiee : no he left already because he said i was taking forever to get ready

kookiee : he's just impatient

kookiee : i literally took five minutes

imjimin : it took me an hour.....

imjimin : but i wasn't blessed with your looks so

kookiee : you're right

kookiee : you look even better

imjimin : jungkoooookkkkkkkk shut up

imjimin : hurry up and get here

kookiee : open the door darling

imjimin : i wish i didn't have to

kookiee : surreeeeee

kookiee : you know you wanna see me

imjimin : i hope you're freezing


imjimin : no

kookiee : fine im not being polite anymore


i just simply opened the door myself and sighed when the hot air hit my skin. i was starting to get really cold.

"how rude of you." jimin said and i rolled my eyes.

"that statement goes for the both of us."

a/n -- im sooooo tired but i can't sleep so im up at 4 in the morning when i have school in three hours
someone just come kill me id appreciate it a lot
anyway the next chapter will be better and theres a plot twist at the end sooo yeah
peace ✌🏻

-- taestan

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