cinquante et un

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jimin and i have just made it to the party and the place was packed. i don't know how taehyung knew all these people but somehow they know him.

ive never been to a party before considering the fact that before i met jimin, yoongi was my only friend.

and because im shy.

shy people don't normally go to these kind of things and im just now starting to regret it all.

"hey if you want to drink then you can, i can drive you home." jimin told me over the music that was killing my eardrums.

i nodded and let jimin leave even though i wanted to cling onto him and never let go.

my phone went off in my pocket and so i pulled it out as i made my way to the bar that was set up.

it was a text from yoongi telling me to meet him by the stairs when the ball drops so we can kiss at midnight.

how sweet. i smiled and texted a quick reply before turning my attention to the bartender.

he smiled at me and i smiled back as i told him what i wanted. it was easy, i wasn't a picky person so id honestly drink anything here.

"thanks." i said and walked away with the drink he just made me.

i spotted yoongi and walked over to him. he looked bored but so was i.

"hey." i said, poking his cheek. yoongi smiled at me and pecked my lips. "hey." yoongi said and then his gaze shifting to the drink in my hand.

"you're not old enough to be drinking." yoongi said and i bit my lip. "and neither are any of these other people. how many people do you think are here who are twenty one?"

yoongi shrugged. "the only person in this place that's means something to me is you. i don't want you drinking." he said and i sighed.

"ive done it before. i don't get drunk easily i promise." i said and yoongi sighed.



after about an hour i was just a wee bit tipsy...

okay im not gonna lie. im a little bit more than tipsy. i was just wondering around at this point and then i saw the tv.

there was one minute left.

i made my way to the stairs carefully and giggled when i saw yoongi, jimin, and taehyung. i stood in between jimin and yoongi.

"im so excited." i giggled again and taehyung chuckled. "that's the alcohol." he said and i shrugged.

"how many drinks did you have?" jimin asked and i smiled cheekily. "don't tell yoongi but i think it was twelve. honestly i can't remember." i said.

"im right here." yoongi said and i sighed. "sorry you're just so short i couldn't see you."

i laughed loudly at my own joke and jimin and taehyung couldn't help but laugh too.

"the countdown." yoongi said and we all watched eleven turn into ten.

we started yelling out the numbers as i got ready to kiss yoongi.

but then the ball dropped and the lips i leaned into and kissed were not yoongi's.

they were jimin's.

a/n -- bum bum bum
goodnight guys ~
im doing a q&a in my book 'kik me' so please go over and leave me some questions you want to ask
i'll update more tomorrow

-- taestan

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