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"shit." jimin mumbled and got out of bed. i followed suit and fixed my clothes and hair to look somewhat good in front of his parents.

jimin grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs to greet his parents.

ive met his parents before but jimin always makes it a big deal. he wants to impress his weird parents.

"im here... and jungkook too if you don't mind." jimin smiled politely and his parents smiled back.

"of course not dear! you know we love having your friends come over, just no sleep overs you know the rules. are you staying for dinner jungkook-ssi?" his mom asked me with a bright smile on her face.

"of course, if you want me to i will." i smiled and they both nodded. "alright we'll be in the kitchen preparing dinner. if you two go upstairs i want the door open. ive heard enough with kids these days confusing themselves with their sexuality. they think boys can be with boys and girls can be with girls. its wrong and i don't need my son getting confused so door stays—"

"open." jimin finished for his dad.

thats one thing i forgot to mention... they're homophobic. especially jimin's dad.

it kind of pisses me off when he says shit like this but i care about jimin so i don't say anything about it.

jimin quickly pulled me upstairs and quietly closed his door. "im sorry jungkook." he said and i shrugged.

"you don't have to apologize. that just has me wondering what its gonna be like when you finally come out to them. i feel bad for you." i sighed as i plopped down on jimin's bed.

"im not going to. ever. once i move out that's that." jimin said and sat in his desk chair instead of joining me in his bed.

i smirked. "oh jimin~ you'll have to eventually. what if they expect you to get married and have kids? you can't move far away considering the fact that you're taking over the family business."

jimin playfully glared at me and rolled his eyes. "don't remind me kookie. let's just live in the moment." he said and my smirk dropped.

i don't know what came over me but i got up off the bed and sat down on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning close.

"maybe we should just live in the moment." i whispered and pressed our lips together.

he didn't kiss back at first but when he did he kissed me passionately. jimin's thick, plump lips moved beautifully against my own as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer.

jimin pulled away and i pouted thinking he wanted to stop but that wasn't the case. he immediately started pressing open mouth kisses to my jaw, moving them down to my neck.

i gave him as much access as possible. jimin marked me everywhere causing quiet moans to leave my lips.

"shh." he shushed me, pressing our lips together to silence my moans.

i pulled away to trail my own kisses down his neck but i only left one mark behind right on his collarbone.

his parents couldn't see it as easily as they could see mine which was what i was going for.

at this point my lips were swollen and we both had tents in our pants that needed to be dealt with. jimin was about to pull my shirt off when my phone started ringing.

i ignored it and helped him pull it off but then it started to ring again.

"answer it." jimin said and i sighed, picking up my phone and answering the call.

"jungkookie." i heard yoongi's voice and my heart started racing, faster than it was before. "yoongi..."

"im sorry about how i ended it, i really am. i know you were drunk and being stupid and i only made things worse. i really don't want things to be awkward when you come home. are you alright?" yoongi asked and i bit my lip.

i looked at jimin and he seemed to be upset... disappointed maybe.

"y-yeah im alright i guess. so we really are over?" i asked and heard him sigh. "yeah we are. you know i love you jungkook but i can't continuing dating you when you love someone else."

at that i was confused. i love someone else? who?

"who are you talking about?" i asked and yoongi chuckled. "the guy you're with right now kook. you know you love him."

my eyes locked with jimin's as yoongi said this and my eyebrows furrowed.


"i have to go yoon. i think i'll be home tomorrow." i said and heard some giggles.

"okay just call me if you aren't able to walk properly, i'll come pick you up."

before i could say anything yoongi ended the call and jimin pressed his lips back onto mine.

"now that that's done you're mine, right?" jimin asked against my lips and i nodded slightly. "yeah." i mumbled.

and after that was confirmed we continued what we were doing... just going a bit— okay a lot— further than just kissing.

a/n -- its been a couple days.... i didn't update all weekend and i aPOLOGIZE
anywho i have sooooo much homework to do so i hope you enjoyed this update and i'll probably update tomorrow or later idk

-- taestan

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