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when jungkook walked out of his last class he wasn't surprised to see jimin leaning on his locker.

the older of the two was texting, his thumbs moving fast and now jungkook knew how he could reply so quickly.

although jungkook wasn't a slow texter either. he texted so much on a day to day basis that he was surprised his thumbs hadn't fallen off.

and its not even that he had a lot of people to text because he didn't.

only jimin, yoongi, and seokjin and namjoon.

but rarely does he ever talk to the last two.

jungkook says they're too couple-y for him. he can't handle the constant kisses and over text he still gets this awkward feeling with them.

anyway back to reality.

jungkook walked over to his locker and stood in front of jimin who seemed to not notice him at first.

"hello~ earth to jimin, you're leaning on my locker~" jungkook waved his hand in front of the olders face and he finally looked up.

"oh sorry kook..." he moved aside and jungkook shrugged. "no biggie."

the younger quickly put his things away before locking his locker and looking at jimin.

jimin smiled cutely at the younger.

he couldn't help but think jungkook was the cutest person in the world. he was so shy and quiet that it was adorable.

"lead the way prince charming." jimin winked and jungkook blushed, eyes widening slightly before he slipped his hand around jimin's.

jungkook led the way as jimin said but he noticed something as they walked to his house, hand in hand.

jimin's hands were so small. his fingers were short and chubby and it was cute.

the younger smiled and held up there hands.


"don't say it, please." jimin blushed and jungkook giggled. "your hands are so cute."

the older groaned and pushed his hair back with his free hand.

"why jungkook? why are they so cute? why can't i have nice hands like you or taehyung or any other guy." jimin pouted and jungkook smiled.

"your hands are nice! and they fit you. they're your hands and they're part of what makes you different from everybody else."

more blush made its way onto jimin's face as they crossed the street.

jungkook's apartment complex came into view a few minutes later.

"okay... not sure how clean it is because sometimes yoongi can get a little lazy but yeah."

jimin shrugged. "my room is a mess too. everybody is a little messy." jimin chuckled softly and jungkook smiled.

they finally got up to the youngers apartment and jungkook struggled with the lock as always before he opened the door.

"yoongi hyung, im home." jungkook called out and yoongi poked his head out of a doorway which jimin assumed was his room.

"ooh~ does jungkookie actually have friends?" yoongi asked, a playful smile on his lips.

"oh shut up hyung, i don't see you bringing anybody over ever." jungkook said and yoongi shrugged.

"don't need anybody but you kook." yoongi winked and then disappeared back into his room.

jungkook blushed at yoongi's statement but played it off by rolling his eyes.

"he's such a weirdo... i'll show you to my room unless you feel more comfortable in the living room."

jimin shrugged. "your room is fine." jimin grabbed ahold of jungkook's hand again making the younger smile.

and then they went to jungkook's room.

a/n -- i just came up with the end of this book and im so fucking clever i LOVE MYSELF

a/n -- i just came up with the end of this book and im so fucking clever i LOVE MYSELF

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im pissed lmao


-- taestan

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