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-- jimin's pov

knock knock

fuck. why can't he just fucking listen for once? my parents are here and he's mad and if they hear us yelling then-

"jimin! jungkook's here." my mom said and i walked downstairs to see him giving my mom a fake smile.

"yeah we're just gonna hang out upstairs." i said and pulled jungkook up to my room, closing the door softly once we were both inside.

"jungkook you have to hear me out-"

"no i don't think i do. i think that you should give me a chance. ive wanted to be with you since the day i texted you and now that i have the chance you put me down."

oh so its all about him?

"well maybe you should think about all the times you've hurt me! try being in my position for just one day. it hurt when you chose yoongi over me and you'd still flirt with me while you were with him. it all hurt jungkook and i don't want to get hurt again because of you. i love you so much which you already know but we can't be together if you don't feel the same-"

"how many times do i have to tell you? i love you jimin! i love you more than i ever loved yoongi. i love you more than anything you could ever think of. i wouldn't be here right now if i didn't love you as much as im telling you i do. please give us a chance."

i bit my lip and looked down as jungkook stepped closer to me.

"please jimin." he whispered and i pulled him into a hug. "okay... i guess i should give you a chance." i mumbled with a small smile.

jungkook pulled away and pressed his lips against mine. i immediately kissed back and pulled him closer.

once we pulled away we both smiled softly at each other, a light blush on both our cheeks.

"i love you jimin, i know i do."

"i love you too jungkook and ive always known."

a/n -- next chapter is the last one and THEN I WILL PUBLISH A NEW BOOK CALLED INSTAGRAM bc i wanna be like everyone else and have an instagram book 🤷🏻 PEACE

-- taestan

I LOVE YOU... I THINK | JIKOOKGIWhere stories live. Discover now