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it really didn't take long for jimin to get to jungkook's, the long part was gathering up the strength to knock on the door.

he and jungkook had been growing apart. jimin didn't like it but he felt that there was nothing he could do.

if jungkook didn't like him then he had to accept that and move on.

so jimin knocked and jungkook opened the door.

the younger was smiling bright and so jimin gave a small smile before stepping inside.

"its so cold outside." he decided would be a good conversation starter.

"yeah, ive been inside all day. i got my christmas shopping done early so i will not be leaving unless i have to. yoongi and i are like bears in hibernation."

jungkook giggled and handed jimin a mug filled with hot cocoa.

"ive still got shopping to do. i wish i was as organized as you kookie." jimin smiled genuinely this time and sipped from the mug.

jungkook shrugged and sat up on the counter. "i already knew what i needed to buy, ive been saving for a year and a half." jimin nodded and sighed.

"i don't know what to get my parents... they're so old school, i don't really have any ideas."

the front door opened and the two in the kitchen assumed it was yoongi.

"kook don't come in here, i have some of your presents so give me a minute." yoongi called out and jungkook smiled. "he's so bad at hiding things. last year he did his shopping late and hadn't gotten any of it wrapped due to a project he had been working on and so one day he asked me to wrap my own gifts for him. he didn't even realize until i finished wrapping them."

the two chuckled before the door opened and yoongi walked in.

"oh hey jimin." yoongi opened the fridge and grabbed a pop. "hey yoongi." jimin gave a nod and jungkook bit his lip.

"did you wrap them yet?" jungkook teased his hyung who just rolled his eyes. "do you think i would've told you to wait in here if i already had them wrapped?"

jungkook smiled and leaned in to peck his hyungs cheek but the other turned his head and connected their lips.

jimin bit his lip and looked away. he didn't want to sit and watch while the two kissed.

but this was the end of it.

whatever it was. whatever he had with jungkook had now come to an official end. the thought alone had jimin's chest hurting.

he liked jungkook a lot more than he'd like to admit and seeing him kiss someone else was heart breaking.

the good thing was that the kiss was short and jimin didn't have to suffer too long.

jungkook was blushing like crazy as he pushed yoongi away.

"go wrap my presents hyung." he mumbled and yoongi giggled. "okay... give me at least an hour to finish, no peeking."

and then yoongi left the room and jungkook sighed.

"sorry about that jimin... i didn't want to make you uncomfortable at all." the younger apologized and the older shrugged. "you didn't, its all cool. should we watch some movies or something?"

jungkook nodded and hopped off the counter before dragging his hyung into his room.

they cuddled under the young boys blankets as they watched movies on his laptop.

jimin loved it but hated it at the same time. it was so nice spending time with the younger although he knew he would just fall deeper and deeper in love with him.

and there it is.

jimin loves him.

he kinda has since he found out the boy who had been texting him was actually jungkook.

its kinda odd but honestly jimin had always been amazed and curious about jungkook. he was just so mysterious but he had his chance and he wasted it by telling himself it was too soon.

"hyung your phone is ringing." jungkook nudged jimin's side and the older jumped.

"oh yeah sorry." jimin answered his phone quickly to get it to stop ringing. "hello?"

"jiminnnnnnnn... i need your help, like now. meaning get your fucking ass over to my house in five minutes."

jimin smiled at the sound of taehyung's voice. "i'll be right there tae... give me a couple more minutes, im not home right now."

the olders best friend groaned but agreed before hanging up.

"gotta go?" jungkook asked, hoping the answer was a no but he knew it'd be a yes. "yeah... taehyung needs me for something."

jimin stood up and jungkook closed his laptop, throwing his blanket to the other side of the bed so he could stand up too.

"well i'll see you around. text me sometime soon." the younger said and jimin nodded. "of course, see you kookie."

and then jimin left.

and to jungkook something felt wrong.

something was wrong.

a/n -- i have ideas for this book omgggggg but it'll be a long time till you guys can read it seeing as i have like fourteen chapters after this already finished 😬

-- taestan

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