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jimin and taehyung had managed to get to the cafe before me and chose a seat at a booth which was nice.

i sat down next to taehyung as i took off the gloves i was wearing.

"did you guys order anything yet?" i asked and jimin nodded. "he got your favorite." taehyung said in a teasing tone and i smiled.

jimin was of course blushing. "thank you jimin." i said. "so before you got here jimin and i were talking about-"

"we can talk about something else." jimin said quickly and i looked at taehyung. "continue." i said and he smiled.

"we were talking about what jungkook does to look so good all the time." taehyung said and i giggled. "that's sweet. what did you come up with?" i asked and taehyung chuckled.

"well its simple. you can simply breathe and look good so we came to the conclusion that you are an undercover angel that the big man sent down to kill the hearts of human beings." taehyung said.

"wouldn't that make me an extremely hot demon? i don't think the big man would want to destroy the hearts of his creations." i said and taehyung smiled. "and there you have it jimin he's a hot demon. he even said it himself." taehyung exclaimed and then the waiter came over.

he was a younger boy, probably a freshman or sophomore working to help his parents out with rent or whatever else.

but he was cute nonetheless.

"thanks. can i ask you something?" taehyung asked the waiter and jimin cursed quietly.

the young boy nodded and tae smirked. "how hot do you think he is on a scale of one to ten?" taehyung asked, pointing to me which made the young waiter look at me.

"ten." he said simply and then walked away.

"that's amazing." i smiled and high fived taehyung. "im telling you jungkook, you're gorgeous." taehyung said and i chuckled.

"taehyung stop flirting, he has a boyfriend." jimin said and i raised an eyebrow. "is that considered flirting?" i asked and they both nodded.

"how could you just admit to flirting with someone?" i asked taehyung and he shrugged. "i do it all the time. i flirt with jimin, i flirt with you because i know its irks jimin's nerves, i actually accidentally flirted with your boyfriend once at a studio. i rented a recording room for my friend and i and bumped into him. we talked and i was flirting with him until he told me his name and that he had a boyfriend. but he still called me cute." taehyung said and jimin sighed.

"you didn't have to add the last part taehyung." jimin said and i shrugged. "i call you cute all the time." i said and jimin blushed.

taehyung giggled and poked jimin's cheek. "he left out a part though..." jimin said and i raised an eyebrow. "what is it?" i asked and taehyung glared at his best friend.

"you already said half of it now tell him the other part." jimin said and taehyung bit his lip.

he looked at me and i raised my eyebrows. "what?" i asked. "yoon gave me his number... and we text a lot." taehyung smiled nervously and shrugged.

i sighed and rolled my eyes. "doesn't matter." i said, stirring my drink with the straw. "he's always on his phone. but so am i. i text jimin all the time." i said.

"poor baby." taehyung pouted and hugged my side. "shut up taehyung." i smiled and pinched his nose.

"shut up taehyung." he mocked me and i laughed. "i do not sound like that-"

"you do." jimin said and i gasped.


a/n -- i like this chap a lot


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-- taestan

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