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kookiee : thanks for letting me stay

imjimin : don't talk to me jeon jungkook

kookiee : what did i do !?

imjimin : "im in love with you"

imjimin : i honestly hate you sooooo much

kookiee : but its true

kookiee : i fell in love with you before we started talking and thats why i texted you

imjimin : wow

imjimin : that's so sweet

kookiee : ik

imjimin : so did you make up with yoongi ??

kookiee : no im ignoring him

kookiee : we don't need to talk about that tho

kookiee : wanna hang out ?

imjimin : if tae is allowed to come along

kookiee : of course he can

kookiee : lets meet up at the cafe by the school

imjimin : be there in a bit

kookiee : see you love

a/n -- i was gonna wait till later to update but im bored so here you go

-- taestan

I LOVE YOU... I THINK | JIKOOKGIWhere stories live. Discover now