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jungkook got home and took his shoes off before closing the door completely.

"hyung im home." jungkook called out and yoongi didn't respond like usual.

"hyung? are you home?" jungkook called a little louder as he pushed yoongi's door open.

he wasn't in there and that confused the younger. his hyung is usually always studying or making some type of music with the little materials he has to do so.

jungkook then heard a door down the hall open and he looked down the hall to see yoongi stepping out of the bathroom. but hey, there's a catch.

he's only in a towel.

the youngers face heated up and he quickly walked to the kitchen to occupy himself with something while he gives yoongi time to dress.

yoongi has a nice body. he's not extremely muscular but his arms look kinda nice and he's got a few tattoos here and there that make jungkook's face heat up and the tips of his ears turn red.

"kook? you back?" yoongi's voice was heard and jungkook took a deep breath. "yep, in the kitchen."

jungkook grabbed himself a pop from the fridge before he turned to face yoongi who had just entered the room.

his hair was wet and messy and jungkook had to bite his lip to stop himself from blurting out something he'd regret.

"you gonna close the fridge door or...?" yoongi mumbled and jungkook had just realized he had been staring at his hyung. "ah sorry."

the younger closed the door and set his pop down on the counter.

"you got any ideas for dinner? its late but i didn't eat yet, did you?" yoongi asked and jungkook nodded.

"i ate with jimin and his parents. they're odd ones... anyway, i'll order something for you if you want me to."

yoongi shook his head and sighed. "well then i'll got out alone. see you—"

"no, i'll come with. its way too dark out for you to be out alone."

a smile formed on yoongi's lips at how sweet jungkook was being.

jungkook was always like this and that's why yoongi is always smiling around him.

the two then got their shoes on and then went out, searching for places yoongi might like.

a/n -- im about to go to school and my stomach hurts ughhhhhh
i downloaded sbts but i haven't had the chance to play it yet and its upsetting

-- taestan

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