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kookiee : you did great babe

imjimin : i know, thanks kookie

imjimin : out of everyone who presented i have a few guesses

kookiee : go ahead, guess away

imjimin : park sungjin, park jinyoung, kim yugyeom, or maybe, maybe jeon jungkook

imjimin : not sure about jungkook tho bc he's the quiet type and i can't image you being quiet like him

imjimin : he's cute tho

imjimin : really cute honestly

imjimin : just wish he talked more

kookiee : good guesses

imjimin : are you up there kookie ??

kookiee : maybe

imjimin : please tell me

kookiee : im up there

a/n -- woah woah woah woah 🍪
its almost two in the morning wtf

-- taestan

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