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"he hasn't even texted." i mumbled as i hugged jimin's pillow close to my chest.

jimin sighed and took my phone out of my hands. "stop it jungkook. he's not going to text you. he obviously doesn't want to talk to you. yoongi probably doesn't even want to see you. hearing your name probably pisses him off. just stop thinking about it for one second." jimin said and i started crying even harder.

"but i love him so much." i cried and jimin rolled his eyes. "yeah? and i love you but you don't see me crying over how we'll never be together." jimin said and i huffed out, wiping my tears.

"you're annoying." i mumbled and jimin snorted. "sorry im annoyed by a boy who's been crying since he woke up." he said and i wiped my tears.

"im sorry... it just hurts. he broke up with me while he was angry but by now i would've at least expected a text. but nothing. jimin would you have texted me by now?"

he smiled softly and ruffled my hair. "i never would've broken up with you." jimin said and i smiled.

i leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek before resting my head on his shoulder. my face was buried in his neck as i spoke.

"you really love me that much?" i asked, my lips brushing his neck. "mhm but i hate you right now because you're teasing me." jimin pouted and i smirked.

i lifted my head off his shoulder to whisper, "am i?" in his ear. it was funny how he shivered slightly and blushed.

"jungkook." jimin glared at me and i smiled. "im sorry baby, thanks for cheering me up." i said and jimin's cheeks turned an even darker shade of pink.

"no problem now stop crying. you promised me you wouldn't cry anymore." jimin said, ignoring the nickname and changing the topic.

i just nodded and snuggled closer to him. "i won't cry. i don't want to upset you so i'll suck it up. sure i love yoongi but everything happens for a reason, right? like i fell for you for a reason... i don't know what or why but it happened and it happened fast." i said.

and for minutes i just rambled on and on trying to distract myself but jimin didn't seem to mind.

he just nodded along and smiled when i said something funny.

it was nice like this.

i was happy being like this.

the both of us were so caught up in what i was rambling on about that we didn't hear the door downstairs open.

"jimin? honey, are you home?"

its his parents.

a/n -- there may or may not be a bit of smut next chapter whO KNOWS ? jk its just intense kissing idk if that's considered smut but welp

a/n -- there may or may not be a bit of smut next chapter whO KNOWS ? jk its just intense kissing idk if that's considered smut but welp

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