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jimin was jealous.

jealous of yoongi.

it was insane. he had literally just met the guy but it seemed like he had what he wanted and he was jealous.

it was so obvious that yoongi had a thing for jungkook but jungkook is oblivious to it all.

"hyung, you were saying?" jungkook poked jimin's hand and he looked up from his lap.

"oh... never mind. can't say it to you yet... y'know texting really is easier."

jungkook frowned at this.

he wanted to be able to talk to jimin and he wanted jimin to be able talk to him.

the boy at least wanted to build a good friendship with jimin.

he sincerely loved him and he wanted some type of relationship with him.

"well lets start with me then... im jeon jungkook, im a junior in high school, and i really enjoy picnics at night."

jimin smiled and started messing with jungkook's fingers.

"im park jimin, im a senior in high school, and i really enjoy sitting in cafés and drawing."

jungkook was the one to smile this time because he liked to do that too.

"me too, that's how i met yoongi hyung. he used to work at a café and he was my waiter and he actually got me to talk to him. we sat and talked for forever, which is why he was fired but still."

the older faked a smile at the story. and although he really didn't want to hear more about how wonderful yoongi is he asked.

"how'd you two decide to move in together?" he asked and jungkook sighed.

"well i um lost my parents to a car accident when i was thirteen and so one of my teachers at the time took me in but he then moved to the states and i couldn't go with him. he left me money and i was able to stay at a hotel for quite some time but soon the money was gone and i wasn't old enough to get a job. they never took fifteen year olds in. so after a long day of searching for a job i stopped by at the cafe."

jungkook paused and blinked a couple times.

"yoongi was really nice that day... i was crying because i was fifteen and i had nowhere to go. he sat down and we talked and i spilled my whole life out to him and he took me in. he told me he was looking for a roommate anyway but that was a lie because when i got here he had to clean out this room for me. it used to be his music room and ive been trying to pay him back. he threw it all away for me."

by the end of the story jungkook was trying hard not to cry.

to this day he still feels bad for being such a burden that yoongi had to carry.

little did he know that yoongi would do it over and over again if he could.

a/n -- a little background info and yoonkook coming maybe idk ??

-- taestan

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