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imjimin : im guessing you made up with yoongi

kookiee : yeah how'd you know ?

imjimin : well you haven't been over since the day we met up at the cafe

imjimin : which was almost a week ago

kookiee : im sorry jimin

imjimin : no i understand that you only want to hang out with me when you and yoongi are having problems

imjimin : you don't even talk to me at school jungkook

imjimin : you keep pretending to be that quiet guy but that's not you

imjimin : why are you still pretending ??

kookiee : im not pretending jimin

kookiee : that's just how i am

kookiee : and im sorry for pushing you away

imjimin : this is the most complicated friendship ive ever had

a/n -- about to do homework so i'll update tomorrow morning

-- taestan

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