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my phone ringing was what woke me up in the morning. it was loud and super annoying.

"turn it off." taehyung whispered and tightened his grip on my waist. i reached for my phone and saw that it was yoongi calling.

after seeing it was him i pressed the decline button and put my phone down. it started ringing again and this time i simply turned it off.

"you should really tell him you're at least okay." taehyung said and i shrugged. "not like he cares all that much." i mumbled and stretched, pushing taehyung away while i did.

he pouted and i smiled.

i stood up and ruffled my hair. "did jimin actually sleep downstairs on the couch?" i asked and taehyung nodded. "he said he was too lazy to come upstairs." taehyung said.

"i should go." i mumbled and shoved my phone in my pocket.

"have fun with yoongi." taehyung reached out and smacked my ass before pretending he was asleep.

"yeah sure. go back to sleep." i flicked the back of his head and then left jimin's room.

last night we came back to jimin's and watched a marathon of movies until jimin fell asleep and taehyung and i decided to sleep in his room.

i pecked jimin's cheek before leaving and walking all the way to mine and yoongi's place in the cold.

once i got back i ignored yoongi again and showered. after my shower i sat on the couch and decided ordering pizza would be better than making anything else.

"jungkook we need to talk. you keep disappearing without telling me where you're going and it's worrying me to death. i can't sleep properly anymore because i have no idea what happened to you." yoongi said, leaning against his doorframe.

"i ordered pizza." i said and yoongi sighed.

and here he goes.

"i don't fucking care what you ordered jungkook! you need to stop doing this! if you want to break up with me then just fucking say it because im sick and tired of doing this with you. you're here but you ignore me and then you leave and only god knows where you're going. i love you jungkook and it kills me everytime you walk out of that front door. either you do it again and never come back or you actually talk to me, those are your only two options."


he just threatened to kick me out.

my own boyfriend just threatened to kick me out of the house we share. this is ridiculous. all this over a fucking ring?

this needs to stop.

"i don't want to break up with you." i said as yoongi sat down on the couch but on the opposite end. "i love you too and im sorry. its stupid telling you im sorry because its just not enough but i am. im sorry about leaving and ignoring you and not answering your calls. im sorry i was only making it worse when you were trying to make it better." i said and bit my lip.

"wanna share the pizza?" i mumbled and yoongi cracked a small smile. "i hate you jeon jungkook." he said and i smiled softly, scooting over to peck his cheek.

"but for real... are we okay now? im sorry yoongi." i said and yoongi nodded. "yeah we're okay. but you're not allowed to leave the house anymore, you're grounded." yoongi said and i giggled.

there was then a knock on the door and i stood up, opening the door. i was surprised to see the boy from the cafe.

"wait you're a pizza delivery guy too?" i asked and he shrugged. "i got fired from the other job i had." he said and handed me my pizza.

he started walking away and i called out to him. "hey i didn't pay yet!" i yelled. "its on me." he said and i smiled.

huh... being hot has its ups.

a/n -- im bored and could be doing homework buttttttt why not update ?

a/n -- im bored and could be doing homework buttttttt why not update ?PLUS ITS HOBI'S BDAY AND I WISH THAT CUTE SUNSHINE CUPCAKE THE BEST AND I HOPE HE HAS A GREAT DAY

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biggest hobi fan boy to the left ^

-- taestan

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