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imjimin : get over here right now

kookiee : no

imjimin : jeon jungkook

kookiee : park jimin

imjimin : i miss your fucking face

imjimin : get over hereeeeee

kookiee : aw i miss your face too but i have to work soon

imjimin : i hate your job because i can't see you at nights now

kookiee : shut up its only the weekends, monday, tuesday, and friday

imjimin : that's a lot

kookiee : jimin

kookiee : i have to go

imjimin : after work ??

kookiee : after work

imjimin : yay

kookiee : bye love

imjimin : bye bye

a/n -- i won't be posting for maybe a week... i shouldn't let my personal stuff effect my account but i just don't feel up to editing or reading silly chapters when im not feeling right
sorry guys

-- taestan

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