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"yoongi hyung im going out for a couple hours, i'll be back later." i said, poking my head into his room.

he looked up from his laptop and nodded. "okay baby, be safe. love you." yoongi gave a cheeky grin and i smiled.

"love you too." i said and then left.

it didn't take me long to get to jimin's but i was freezing once i got there. i knocked desperately on the door and immediately stepped in once the door was opened.

"god its so cold." i shivered and jimin closed the door. "well yeah kookie, it is the end of december." he chuckled as i took off my shoes.

"yeah, ive notice." i smiled as jimin grabbed my hand and pulled me up to his room. "are your parents here?" i asked and he shook his head.

"they went out to eat just a bit ago." jimin said and i nodded. "sorry i didn't get you anything jiminie... i was too focused on buying music stuff i didn't think to get you anything."

jimin shrugged and smiled at me. "its okay, i don't need anything." he said as we both sat down on his bed.

a little box sat in between us and i smiled. "so do i get to open it?" i asked and jimin nodded.

"but i mean if you don't like it i can take it back and get you something you do like." he said quickly and i chuckled as i slowly unwrapped the tiny box.

"im sure i'll like whatever it is jimin. you know me pretty well." i said and jimin nodded.

finally i unwrapped it completely and opened the tiny box.

and in the box was a diamond ring.

my jaw dropped as i looked at it. it looked super expensive and there was no doubting that it was real.

"jimin... tell me you didn't do this." i whispered, slowly looking up and meeting his nervous gaze.

"i did. i mean you can think of it as a friendship ring." he said and my eyes widened slightly. "yeah a friendship ring that looks like a wedding ring." i mumbled and jimin sighed.

"fine. i'll just take it back because you clearly don't like it." he said and i shook my head. "no i do like it but... i don't know. i appreciate it a lot jimin, i didn't expect you to buy me something that's worth so much. i just don't think id ever be able to pay you back if i kept it." i said and jimin shrugged.

the ring was really pretty and i wanted to keep it but what if yoongi saw it? what if he got the wrong idea?

it clearly doesn't look like a friendship ring and i don't know if he'd believe me if that's what i told him.

"you don't have to pay me back. you don't always have to pay people back jungkook. i got you the ring because i saw it and i thought it'd look great on you and i know it was bold but like i said... you don't have to keep it."

"i-i want to keep it." i mumbled and took the ring out of the box, sliding it onto my ring finger. of course the ring finger that didn't have the ring yoongi gave me on it.

it fit perfectly.

i smiled and tackled jimin in a hug. he chuckled as i buried my face into his neck.

"thank you so much jimin, its very pretty. i love it." i pecked his cheek and watched as he blushed. "you're welcome."

"you're so cute, why are you blushing?" i giggled as the pink of his cheeks deepened in color. "what? im not blushing." jimin defended and i smiled.

"yeah you are but whatever. what should we do?" i asked but jimin didn't have the chance to answer because the door downstairs opened.

jimin's eyebrows furrowed as well as mine. he got up but i stayed on his bed, cleaning up the wrapping paper.

"bitch you will never believe how cold it is outside." a deep voice said as i threw the paper away in a bin jimin kept in his room.

"oh its just you tae. you could've texted or something!" jimin yelled and i snorted. "i did but you didn't answer so i figured you were sleeping and i came to wake your ass up but now i see why you didn't answer." taehyung said as i turned around.

i smiled politely and taehyung waved at me, winking too. "did you give him that five thousand dollar ring yet?" taehyung asked and my eyes went wide.


a/n -- i have homework to do but i don't feel up to it...

-- taestan

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