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kookiee : jimin could you like open your door ?

kookiee : its really cold and i have no where else to go

imjimin : kookie im not home right now

kookiee : fuck

imjimin : there's a spare key in the mail box, its taped to the side

kookiee : thank you so fucking much

imjimin : no problem

imjimin : but why can't you just go home ??

kookiee : yoongi and i got in a fight

imjimin : oh

imjimin : you okay ??

imjimin : i'll be home soon but its tae's birthday so im out with him

kookiee : that's okay

kookiee : don't rush, im not that important

imjimin : yes you are

kookiee : thank you jimin

imjimin : anytime

a/n -- good morning im tIRED 😬

-- taestan

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