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"kook~ wake up, its christmas." yoongi shook the sleeping boys shoulder and only earned a groan in response.

"don't you want to see what i got you?"

at that jungkook sat up and smiled at his hyung.

"of course i do! give me a minute and then we can open presents!"

jungkook then got up and ran into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

afterwards they both sat out in the living room, handing their gifts to each other.

"why are mine so big kook?" yoongi asked as a chuckle left his lips making the younger smile. "you'll see, oh god you'll love it."

"not more than i love you." yoongi said cheesily and jungkook shook his head, laughing softly.

"i love you too hyung."

the boy pressed a short kiss to his hyungs lips before pulling away and grabbing the last gift that was under the tree.

"who's going first?" yoongi asked and jungkook smiled. "you because i want to see your reaction."

yoongi sighed and bit his lip as he tried to figure out which one to open first. he chose the biggest one and started peeling the wrapping paper off of it slowly.

jungkook smiled wide as the wrapping paper was finally all off and yoongi could see what it was.

it was a keyboard. one he could set up anywhere but easily fold it up to place it in a closet or some where else.

"jungkook... you didn't have to. this is expensive—"

"hyung ive been wanting to do this for you for awhile, just tell me you like it."

yoongi smiled at his boyfriend. "i love it." jungkook giggled and motioned for him to continue.

the older did and unwrapped the rest. one was a guitar and another was a computer, he got some cd's and a new pair of headphones.

"now your last one would be impossible to wrap so we'll just go later but its my turn so you'll have to wait."

although yoongi was a little confused he shrugged it off and thanked the younger before telling him to open his presents.

jungkook got some clothes from his favorite stores and some other things he really liked.

"thank you so much hyung." jungkook planted tons of kisses on his hyungs lips making the older chuckle.

"don't mention it baby. now i believe that you mentioned earlier—"

"yes, come on let's go. hurry hyung." jungkook smiled as he pulled on his shoes and his coat.

yoongi followed and then the two left to this mysterious place that only the highschooler knew about.

a/n -- im boredddddddd rn

-- taestan

I LOVE YOU... I THINK | JIKOOKGIWhere stories live. Discover now