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on the way back home jungkook gave yoongi a piggyback ride. they were cracking jokes and giggling the whole way home.

"hyung let go of my hands, i gotta unlock the door." jungkook giggled and yoongi smiled, kissing the youngers knuckles before dropping his hands.

jungkook unlocked the door and stepped inside, yoongi hopping off his back to take his shoes off.

"thanks for paying kook, it was nice of you." the older smiled at jungkook but the younger just shrugged.

"nothing beats what you did for me and what you do for me everyday."

and jungkook thought it was true.

nothing could compare to what yoongi has done and is doing for him.

he's practically living for free besides the rare occasions when he buys take out.

jungkook's got a job now. he works nights after school sometimes but its hard. he's saving though.

he's saving up for yoongi.

he wants to buy him a bunch of recording stuff. he wants to give back what yoongi had to throw away when he moved in.

and he's really close to having enough money. since he doesn't buy many things other than food sometimes and necessities every once in awhile.

but none of that mattered to yoongi anymore. he didn't care about his music as much as he cared about jungkook.

nothing beats having jungkook.

he has jungkook and that's really all that matters. but yoongi isn't sure how much longer he'll have the boy.

jimin has become someone the younger talks to everyday.

yoongi used to be the only one who would hear a "good morning hyung" from the younger but now jimin hears it too.

he doesn't like it but he can't be selfish and have jungkook to himself.

they aren't even dating.

they've never even kissed.

never even said "i like you" to one another because yoongi was terrified of those three words.

they weren't even close to what he really wants to say but they're the closest things he can think of.

but when will he say them?

maybe never.

and that's when yoongi realized they had just been staring at each other.

minutes had passed and they were just staring at each other.

yoongi bit his lip and took one step closer to the younger which already had their noses touching.

and out of the heat of the moment jungkook connected their lips.

it was his first kiss. he'd never felt anyone else's lips against his own.

only yoongi's.

and his lips were soft, so soft. they felt much better than he had expected and he wanted more as the kiss dragged out.

jungkook pulled yoongi closer, resting his hands on the olders waist as he tilted his head to kiss his hyung at a better angle.

they pulled away and yoongi hid his face in the youngers chest.

jungkook wrapped his arms around yoongi and sighed. sure he had never kissed anyone before yoongi but he was pretty damn sure that yoongi was a great fucking kisser.

"yoongi hyung... do you like me?"

"im so glad i didn't have to tell you."

a/n -- so there's the yoonkook 🤷🏻

a/n -- so there's the yoonkook 🤷🏻

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-- taestan

I LOVE YOU... I THINK | JIKOOKGIWhere stories live. Discover now