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its been about a month since yoongi broke up with me and jimin and i have only gotten closer and closer.

im pretty sure i love him.

i mean ive said it before. ive told him and ive told you guys, its really no secret.

but did i tell him i loved him in the way i really do? im not too sure.

yes of course i fell for him. im in love with him. but how i feel for him is so much more than just that.

the way my feelings grow each day is ridiculous. i never knew i could feel so strongly about one person in my entire life.

its the weirdest yet the most comforting feeling.

...maybe i should tell him all this.

should i? should i finally tell the boy ive been falling for for so long how i truly feel?

i mean it sounds like a smart idea, what could go wrong?

well you never know...

a/n -- THIS BOOK IS ALMOST OVER WTF ??! anywayyyyyyyyy in this book specifically did you guys like yoonkook or jikook better??

-- taestan

I LOVE YOU... I THINK | JIKOOKGIWhere stories live. Discover now