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kookiee : hey jimin

kookiee : i have something i need to tell you

imjimin : don't tell me you have a boyfriend because i swear to god i'll kill you

kookiee : no ! its not that

kookiee : its a good thing

imjimin : you promise ??

kookiee : i promise

imjimin : okay then tell me

kookiee : i love you... i think

a few minutes later

imjimin : you think ??

imjimin : i can't have you thinking you love me without actually knowing

imjimin : i love you so fucking much and you know that but if you aren't even sure if you love me then...

imjimin : whatever this is- was- is done

imjimin : im sorry jungkook

kookiee : oh my god no

kookiee : jimin what the fuck

kookiee : no i love you

kookiee : i love you just as much as you love me i don't know why i said i think

kookiee : baby please

kookiee : i won't hurt you i promise, just give us a chance

kookiee : please don't say we're done

kookiee : im coming over

imjimin : no jungkook don't

imjimin : my parents are home

kookiee : i don't care

imjimin : jungkook

imjimin : just call me

imjimin : kook answer please

imjimin : you can't come over right now

minutes later

kookiee : too late

a/n -- um yeah? theres like two more chapters and thats it? WOW im like excited but not because then i won't have anything to do but write stories in my drafts anD WHERES THE Fun— no actually that's really fun.... well i just feel like i won't be as active? i'll try and find a book to publish for you guys

- taestan

I LOVE YOU... I THINK | JIKOOKGIWhere stories live. Discover now