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imjimin : kook where are you ??

imjimin : did you not come to school ??

imjimin : i wanted to tell you something.....

imjimin : are you sick or something ??

kookiee : no im okay hyung

kookiee : just couldn't bring myself to walk out the door this morning

imjimin : and why is that ??

kookiee : because i knew you were gonna talk to me today and that doesn't sit well on me

kookiee : its not that i don't like you jimin

kookiee : i just get extremely nervous when talking to people and i think texting is just easier

kookiee : especially with you

imjimin : why especially with me ??

kookiee : because you're you

a/n -- 🙃

-- taestan

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-- taestan

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