quarante et un

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its been a little less than a week and ive successfully kept the ring jimin gave me a secret from yoongi.

i felt guilty and i wanted to tell him about it but the way he might react scares me.

yoongi gets mad/annoyed really easily and i don't want him to get mad at me or jimin because of this.

honestly i thought it'd be really hard hiding this huge rock on my finger but its not that hard. i have had my hands in my pockets more often and my hands behind my back a lot.

ive gotten used to it.

but i still feel guilty...

"hey kook, can you come here really quick?" yoongi asked and i paused my movie that i wasn't even watching.

i got up and walked over to his room. "yes?" i asked and he motioned me over. i got on his bed and crawled over to him.

he handed me a pair of headphones and i put them on. "listen to this and tell me what you think." yoongi said and i nodded.

the music started to play and yoongi started rapping. i tried my best to focus on the lyrics. it was good and yoongi was an amazing rapper.

and then i realized the song was about me... or us. the lyrics related to how we met and everything we've been through together and it brought a smile to my face.

it was our story and i love it.

soon it ended and i took off the headphones. yoongi grabbed them and bit his lip.

"how was it?" he asked quietly. "baby that was amazing. that song is literally the best song ive ever heard." i smiled and pecked his lips.

yoongi smiled and thanked me.

my phone buzzed and i pulled it out. it was a text from jimin.

"what's that?" yoongi asked and i shrugged. "nothing. jimin just texted me." i said and looked up at him.

"no i mean, what's that?" yoongi grabbed my hand with the ring on it and my eyes went wide.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-

"jungkook. what is this?" yoongi asked and i smiled nervously. "a ring." i answered and yoongi gave me that "really?" look.

"yeah i see that. where'd you get it?" he asked and i bit my lip. "does that really matter? i mean its pretty right? i mean its gorgeous-"

"jeon fucking jungkook just tell me where the fuck you got it." yoongi said and i sighed.

he was mad. i knew he would be and i haven't even told him jimin got it for me yet.

i haven't even gotten to the bad part and he's already mad at me. steam is practically coming out of his ears.

"jimin got it for me as a christmas gift. its a friendship ring." i mumbled and yoongi scoffed. "some friendship ring, are you sure he didn't ask you to marry him?" yoongi asked sarcastically.

"how much did it cost?" yoongi asked and this time i gave him the "really?" look. "that doesn't matter-"

"maybe it does to me." he said and i took a deep breath. "close to six thousand." i said, looking down at the ring on my ring finger.

yoongi's eyes widened. "look yoongi he really wants me to have it and im keeping it. it means a lot to me and he already told me he meant it in a friendly way and nothing else." i said and yoongi chuckled heartlessly.

"yeah sure. you know he has feelings for you jungkook." yoongi said and i nodded.

"i know that but that doesn't matter, what matters is that im yours. but i guess that doesn't matter to you as much as i thought it would."

after that i stood up and left without sparing him another glance.

jimin's it is.

a/n -- some yoonkook drama bc why not??
im at school rnnn but i thought i should update
have a nice dayyyyyy

-- taestan

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