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yet jungkook agreed to talk to jimin today his heart still sped up as jimin walked over to his locker.

just before that, jimin was just talking to his best friend taehyung but jungkook had to be an idiot and drop his math textbook. the sound echoed and nearly caught everyone's attention but jimin's was the only one that stayed.

and now jimin was walking over to him so he mumbled an "im such and idiot" before jimin got to him.

"hey kookie." jimin smiled and jungkook scratched the back of his neck while mumbling a quiet, "hey."

"so i was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me, y'know at my table-"

"uh no thanks... i don't really do the cafeteria, its too loud." jungkook said and that was true.

he never ate in the cafeteria because it was filled with way too many people at one time and everybody was always super loud.

"oh... then why don't we just hang out after school?" jimin suggested.

the younger had to think about this one.

could he really be alone with jimin without freaking out and screaming the words "i love you" at him.

probably not but he could always try.

and so the boy nodded.

"sounds good, just text me where you want to go. see you later jimin."

a/n -- shy kookie = nice kookie

-- taestan

I LOVE YOU... I THINK | JIKOOKGIWhere stories live. Discover now