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-- a lil horrible smut i forgot to warn u guys about in the last chap so yOu reading this rn if u are an innOcEnt hUmAn then just skip dis shit bc most of it isn't important

and that's how its been for awhile.

jungkook almost stopped texting jimin. the only time he usually did was to tell him about a project or to just say a quick hey.

other than that jungkook had been spending almost all his time with his hyung.

when he got home from school he wouldn't call out for yoongi anymore. jungkook would simply take his shoes off and go cuddle with him in his room or watch tv with him on the couch.

he was so used to spending time with yoongi now that he's kinda throwing everything else away.

definitely not intentionally.

jungkook just likes to concentrate on one thing at one time and the one thing he's concentrated on right now is yoongi.

after school jungkook got home and took his shoes off. he set his things in his room before going to yoongi's and opening the door.

yoongi was sitting on his bed on his computer.

he always got home before jungkook because his last class ends about an hour before jungkook gets out of school.

the younger smiled and closed the door, plopping down on his hyungs bed and sitting behind him.

"hey hyung, whatcha doin?" the younger asked cutely making yoongi smile softly. "just working on something."

yoongi saved his work and then closed his laptop, turning around and pressing a quick kiss to jungkook's awaiting lips.

jungkook smiled and grabbed one of yoongi's hands. "christmas break is coming up and i want to warn you that on christmas you'll have a lot under the tree but you don't have to do the same for me."

"its christmas kook, im gonna get you a lot too. i mean its just us. who else do you think i want to spend my money on?"

the younger shrugged. "ive told you plenty times before kook that all i need is you. i can't afford to go back to daegu and visit my family but i can afford to spoil the shit out of you and that's what i plan to do."

-- and this is where you stop unless u wanna read sum cringy ass stuffffff

jungkook blushed as yoongi pulled him closer to the point where he was practically sitting on his hyungs lap.

their lips connected in a slow kiss.

yoongi tightened his grip on jungkook's waist as the younger tangled his fingers in his hyungs hair.

jungkook was quick to speed up the kiss as usual but this time he felt like he was actually getting somewhere. the older slipped his hands under to youngers shirt and felt around, dragging his cold fingers against the boys hot skin making him gasp.

yoongi slipped his tongue into jungkook's mouth once he got the chance while tangling his fingers in the boys belt loops.

they pulled away to catch their breaths and then yoongi started kissing jungkook's neck, leaving little hickeys when he felt the need to mark the youngers skin.

the feeling of yoongi biting and sucking on jungkook's skin had low, drawn out moans leaving his lips.

"hyung." jungkook moaned, leaning his head back.

yoongi pulled the youngers shirt off and pushed him down before crawling on top of him.

the kisses continued which had jungkook whimpering and moaning. he couldn't think straight while yoongi's hands grasped his thighs but laid just beneath his ass and his lips marked any place that they possibly could.

jungkook managed to get his hyungs shirt off too after they had just shared a long kiss.

both their lips were swollen but jungkook was the one who looked completely wrecked.

he had hickeys all over, messy hair, swollen lips and yoongi couldn't believe how beautiful he was.

"you're so pretty." yoongi whispered before connecting their lips once again.

jungkook pulled away and trailed kisses down his hyungs neck, leaving a few bruises of his own behind.

yoongi's low moans and groan were music to jungkook's ears and he was doing all he could just to hear more.

"hyung... can we please?" jungkook mumbled quietly but of course yoongi heard.

they were closer than they've ever been before. not one sound could go unheard between them.

the older answered with a kiss. he loved kissing the younger. his lips were so beautiful and he never thought he'd be able to feel them against his own but look at him now.

the next couple minutes went fast. the two were eager to get closer and they couldn't do that with their clothes on.

so it came off.

yoongi was now the one laying on the bed as jungkook pressed kisses against his hips, slowly making his way downwards.

"jungkook-ah." yoongi whined, softly tugging at the youngers hair.

the feeling made jungkook gasp quietly. it hurt slightly but at the same time it felt so good.

soon jungkook had his mouth wrapped around yoongi's cock, bobbing his head up and down at a steady pace.

his hyung was moaning and pulling at his hair more and more.

he had never done this before but based off of how wrecked yoongi looked he would say he was doing a pretty damn good job.

jungkook wanted this to last, not because he liked sucking dick but because he was nervous.

the boy had never had a boyfriend or a relationship with someone like this.

in other words... jungkook is a virgin.

he trusted his hyung but that didn't change the fact that the thought of his hyung inside him scared him.

"okay jungkook... god you're gonna make me come before im inside you."

jungkook pulled off and smiled shyly. he helped with putting the condom on yoongi's hard on and spreading the lube all over it before pressing his lips to his hyungs.

yoongi pushed him down and lined himself up before slowly pushing in.

the youngers eyes screwed shut in pain. "hyung..." he gasped.

the older just started leaving kisses on the youngers forehead to distract him from the pain at first until he was completely inside the boy.

jungkook took some time to adjust. it was just so weird at first but then yoongi started thrusting and those thoughts were long gone.

this was the best thing he's ever done in his life.

a/n -- bam....... bam.
stay in school kids, stay in school

IM SO HAPPY ITS THE WEEKEND I FuCKING HaTe SCHooL GuYSstay in school kids, stay in school

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-- taestan

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