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imjimin : come to school today please

kookiee : i have no choice

kookiee : my hyung is kicking me out of our apartment

kookiee : so unfair

imjimin : who's your hyung ??

kookiee : yoongi

kookiee : bitchy college student everyone's afraid of

kookiee : he's really sweet actually

kookiee : don't tell him i told you that

imjimin : i won't

imjimin : so can i talk to you today or will you run away from me ??

kookiee : i would never embarrass myself that much okay ?

kookiee : yeah i'll talk to you

kookiee : i apologize ahead of time for being quiet

imjimin : don't apologize kookie

imjimin : its cute

a/n -- so my mom got me a bts hoodie with the new logo on it and everything but she got me a fucking large i was CRyiNg 😭 still appreciate it tho bc i love her dearly

-- taestan

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