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"fuck taehyung! he didn't want to keep it before and now im sure he'll give it back!" jimin yelled at his best friend who only giggled. "im sorry, it just slipped out." taehyung said and skipped over to his best friends bed.

i walked over to jimin, pulling him out of the room and closing the door behind us.

"you spent five thousand on this ring?" i asked and jimin bit his lip. "it was closer to six but yeah. look jungkook i just really want you to have it. i want it to be something that means a lot to you and as long as it means something to you then the price shouldn't matter."

"why did you do it?" i asked and jimin shrugged. "because you mean something to me and i want you to have something from me that means something to you." jimin said and i bit my lip.

he means something to me too. i loved him and a feeling like that doesn't just disappear when someone else appears.

yes i love yoongi but i still feel something for jimin... it just took him a little too long.

"you mean something to me too jimin." i decided to tell him. "and im really happy that i mean something to you. i never thought you'd even talk to me so hearing you say things like this is nice. thank you so much jimin— im not going to friend zone you and say for being the best friend ive ever had. thank you for being the best guy ive ever met and i mean it." i smiled and kissed his cheek.

"so you'll keep it?" jimin asked and i nodded. "wouldn't think about giving it back. i love it too much already." i giggled, admiring the ring on my finger.

"good." jimin smiled grabbed my hand, pulling me back into his room.

taehyung bounced away from the door once we entered but acted like he was looking at a painting hung up on jimin's wall.


"you guys should totally date, just saying."

a/n -- its almost six in the morning i am going back to sleep i am tired

-- taestan

I LOVE YOU... I THINK | JIKOOKGIWhere stories live. Discover now