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"jimin tomorrow is new years." i smiled and sat next to jimin on his bed. "i know. im kinda excited." jimin said and laid his head on my lap.

"tae throws a party every year, are you coming?" jimin asked and i shrugged. "sure just tell me where and i'll be there." i said while playing with his hair.

jimin smiled at me and grabbed onto my free hand, intertwining our fingers.

"jungkook." jimin said and i raised an eyebrow at him. "yes?"

"would you still love me if i dyed my hair orange?" he asked and i chuckled. "of course id still love you. i bet you'd look great too." i said and his smile grew making his eyes crinkle.

"i always look great." jimin said and i rolled my eyes. "i can't argue with that." i said and jimin giggled.

"i hate you." jimin pinched my cheek and i gasped. "how could you say that when i just told you i love you?" i asked and jimin smiled, shrugging his shoulders.

he didn't say anything so i decided to tickle him which i knew would get him to say something because he hates to be tickled.

jimin let out a squeal and tried his best to get away but he couldn't as always.

"okay! okay! im sorry. i don't hate you." jimin said and i smiled. "maybe i should tickle you more often, especially when you're ignoring me." i said and jimin glared at me.

"that was your fault." he said and i nodded. "i know but when i tried talking to you you could've said something even if you told me to go away."

jimin sighed and hugged me. "don't get mad, i don't want you to ignore me. im sorry for walking away from you." jimin mumbled and i squeezed him in our hug.

"we would be a great couple."

"fuck you jeon jungkook."

a/n -- i just finished this book... LIKE THE END IS IN MY DRAFTS LIKE WTF IS THIS ???
you guys are still like ten chapters away from the end tho buT STILL


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