Part 19

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I glanced at my scroll before looking back at the large warehouse, I nodded and put my scroll away before slipping on my mask.

This is the place, I just hope I'm not too late.

I looked around and, after deciding that the main door was not the best idea, went into a service entrance on the side of the building.

I punched the door and the wood splintered on impact. I walked into the room and looked at the three white fang members who were standing inside staring at me in surprise.

I grinned and cracked my knuckles as they drew their weapons and rushed towards me, the first one slashed at my side with a knife, I sidestepped and brought my fists down on his back knocking him into the ground.

The second one drew a pistol, as he pointed it at me I picked up his unconscious friend and hurled him forward, the body knocked him into the wall and he collapsed in an unconscious pile of tangled limbs.

The last one ran forward and jumped off a box while winding up a overhead slash with his sword, I smirked as he flew towards me and grabbed him before doing this.

The last one ran forward and jumped off a box while winding up a overhead slash with his sword, I smirked as he flew towards me and grabbed him before doing this

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As his body slid across the ground I walked over the others and made my way into the warehouse. I peeked over a shelf and saw several other white fang members, but no sign of who I was looking for.

Huh, guess Ozpin's informant was wrong.

"Get moving, these weapons aren't gonna carry themselves."

And I spoke too soon.

Red hair, pale mask, dark jacket, and that katana. It's him alright.

I climbed up onto the supporting beams of the warehouse and silently made my way over to them, I reached in my bag and pulled out a few lightning dust based explosives, of my own design. I placed them on various points around the warehouse and then made my way down and began stealthily approaching my target.

As I switched my gauntlets into their gun form I felt cold steel pressing on my back, I looked over my shoulder and saw a white fang member, holding a pistol, standing behind me.

"Don't move, or I'll shoot."

Bitch please.

I executed a backhanded slap and knoked the gun out of his hand, as it hit the floor I grabbed his neck and covered his mouth before he could alert the others. They didn't notice me, however I could see several of them looking around warily and I knew I would have to act quickly.

I sighed and then looked at the white fang member in my hand.

"Well, you almost jeopardized the mission, so lights out permanently."

I snapped his neck and then pulled out a detonator from my pocket. I flicked the kill switch and then pressed the button as I walked towards their leader.

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