Part 38

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(Bane's pov)

I crushed another Beowolves' skull under my boot before shooting two more behind me. As their corpses began to dissipate I looked around making sure there were no others before sprinting towards the center of town, where they seemed to be originating from.

As I reached the town square I saw four people fending off the horde of Grimm clustered around them, team RWBY was holding their own against the Grimm managing to drive them back, but for every one that they killed two more came to take their place.

As more and more began to surround them I jumped forward and landed beside Weiss just in time to crush the skull of a Ursa coming up behind her. I spun around and fired three shots over her killing several Creeps surrounding Blake, as they noticed my arival I grabbed two Beowolves and broke one's neck.

"Is this a private party or can I join in?"

Yang grinned as I threw the Beowolf towards her and she punched it in the chest blowing a huge hole through it's torso.

"Be my guest."

I nodded and we both rushed towards a large group of Grimm. I punched a Ursa into the ground and she flipped over my shoulder and kicked away a Beowolf, she then dashed forward and threw a bunch of rapid strikes into a Ursa Major's chest before punching it's head off. I watch this with a smirk as I smashed two Beowolves into the ground and stomped in their heads, we both then turned and rapidly fired several shots at a incoming group of Creeps until they were all turning to ash.

As we turned around the ground began to shake as a King Taijitu slithered out of the tunnel. It turned towards us and hissed loudly as more Grimm began to crawl out of the tunnel beside it.

Well things just got a lot worse.

I raised my fists but before I could throw a punch a explosion was heard from behind us, I looked up and saw something flying towards us.

With a laugh Nora flew forward and smashed the King Taijitu into the ground before a explosion from her hammer crushed it's head.

She flipped back and landed on her feet just as the rest of team JNPR came into the square. We all looked at each other and nodded before sprinting towards the Grimm with our weapons raised.

I crushed a Creep under my boot before dropkicking a Ursa into a wall. As I turned around I saw Ren shooting a group of Beowolves before slashing two of them and kicking away a third one.

As a Ursa charged towards him a energy blast knocked it off balance before Yang dropped down on it's back and punched it twice in the head before it's skull cracked open. She jumped off and winked at Ren before they both began clearing out the left side of the square.

I punched away a Deathstalker's claw before shooting the stinger at the base weakening it. As it screeched in pain a red blur flashed by before the stinger was severed from it's tail. As it fell a glyph appeared above it and drove it down into the Deathstalker's head.

I looked behind me and grabbed a Boarbatusk as it came charging at me and broke off it's tusks. As it squealed in agony I stabbed it with one of the curved bones before hurling the second one at another one who was spinning towards Jaune. The force of the projectile stunned the Grimm long enough for him to impale it with his sword before running towards Pyrhha who was fending off a pack of Beowolves.

I ran towards another King Taijitu and dodged it's jaws before jumping onto it's head. I drew my knife and stabbed it into it's neck and it began thrashing wildly in an attempt to shake me off, I gripped the scales tightly before stabbing it a second time. With a shriek of pain it collapsed and the second head raised itself up and hissed at me, I shot a flame round into it's open mouth, the resulting explosion blew off part of it's head and the rest of the body began to fade into ashes.

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