Volume 1.5/ Finale.

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*Glynda's POV*

I whipped my riding crop forward, slamming two giant chunks of rock into a charging Ursa as the last of the civilians climbed onto the bullhead. Panting slightly I paused to catch my breath, tightening my grip on the riding crop as I saw Croc and Qrow running towards me. As they drew closer Croc's eyes narrowed and Qrow raised his sword, the blade shifting slightly as he pointed above my head and fired.

As he did I heard a loud shriek from above me, whirling around my eyes widened as I saw a Griffon hit the ground a few feet away from me, screeching in pain before another one landed next to it. I raised my riding crop to strike but was suddenly moved aside as Croc caught it's paw in his hand, with a roar he kicked it onto its side before moving forward and literally tearing the Grimm into pieces. As he tossed aside it's severed head I heard a soft chuckle from behind me.

"Geez, didn't anyone ever tell you not to play with your food?" Qrow chuckled as he walked up to the larger man. Resting his sword causally on his shoulder as he watched him toss away a pair of limbs.

"I never cared much for table manners." He snarled as he kicked away the mangled corpse before walking over to me with a sigh.

"Are you Ok?" He asked as he looked down at her, his eyes shifting from menacing to concerned as they glanced over her as if to scan for any injuries.

"Y-yes I'm alright...."

He nodded and moved towards the Bullhead, gently moving me towards the entrance of the hold. I slowly climbed on board as the other two followed after. I looked at Qrow in confusion.

"......What about Bane?"

He looked at me and sighed, turning to Croc who shook his head before a sudden explosion drew all of our attention. Looking out the window I let out a gasp as I watched the missile lift off into the air, turning back to Croc in confusion.

"I....don't understand.....Waylon.....where is Bane?"

He looked at me, signing softly as he crossed his arms.

"Bane....was never going to join us from the beginning. He told me himself, this all depended on him remaining behind."

I looked at him in shock, looking at Qrow expectantly only to receive the same solemn frown as he walked over to the hatch entrance. Slowly he hit the release as the cargo bay began to open.

"He's right, Bane gave us a chance to get as many people out as we could......but it's not over yet."

As he said that I heard a loud screech, looking up I saw a horde of Griffons flying towards us. My eyes widened in shock before tightening my grip on my riding crop, stepping forward as Qrow and Croc both stood beside me. Qrow shifted his sword into the gun as Croc held up a rifle taken from one of the AK-200 units that he had no doubt smashed to pieces, we all readied ourselves as the horde drew closer.

"We just need to hold them off until we reach the SafeZone, there the artillery can handle them." He said as he took aim and fired, landing a slug right through the eyes of the nearest Griffon. Upon impact it let out a screech of pain and slowly began careening down towards the ground, it's body crumbling to ashes as it continued it's decent.

As he took the first shot Croc raised the rifle and squeezed off several shots, while his shooting was not as accurate as Qrow's the bursts of automatic fire were still able to connect with the flying targets and slowly they began to pick off the horde bit by bit. But for each one that they shot down, another took it's place.

Qrow let out a curse as the horde drew closer, turning to face me as he slid a fresh set of dust into his sword while Croc continued to lay down fire on the Grimm.

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