Part 25

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My knife blocked the longer blade before I sent a kick into the wielder's stomach knocking her onto her back. I held the knife in a reverse grip and pointed the sword at my apponent.

"You're not winning this fight."

"That may be, but I'm still not surrendering."

I sighed and raised both blades as she got up and held up her sword.

And the day was going so well.....

(Flashback, ten hours ago)

I was downtown with Neo skipping beside me as we headed towards Juniors Club. I looked down and chuckled as she playfully spun and danced over the gaps in the sidewalk.

"I assume a dance is in order when we get there?"

She nodded and cartwheeled forward before gracefully landing on her feet with her umbrella open over her shoulders. She closed the umbrella and began typing on her scroll.

Do they serve ice cream in this club?

"I'm sure I can ask Junior for some, he won't mind."

We soon reached the club and made our way to the bar before taking adjacent seats. I ordered a beer and got Neo a Raspberry Martini and a small bowl of ice cream, as I took a swig I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the twins standing behind me.

"Hello Bane, it's been a while."

"Likewise, how have you two been?"

Melanie shrugged "Well there's been more people here than usual, but other than that everything's fine."

As I was about to reply I felt a tug on my jacket, I looked back and saw Neo with a quizzical look on her face.

You know these girls?

"Yes I used to work here as a bouncer."

I turned towards the twins and motioned towards Neo.

"Girls I'd like you to meet my.....partner Neo. Neo, this is Melanie and her sister Miltia."

She smiled and waved at them, they seemed to get along with each other. As I ordered another beer I saw the twins looking at Neo's Ice cream longingly, as soon as she noticed this Neo pulled the bowl closer to herself.

I chuckled and motioned towards the seats next to me, as they both sat I got them two bowls of ice cream and they both began to dig in. After they were fininshed we all went to the dance floor.

The twins and Neo began dancing together and one by one they began taking turns to dance with me switching between partners every so often. After almost half an hour of dancing we all took a break and sat down at one of the tables.

As we talked about various topics my scroll started ringing, I sighed and excused myself before stepping out of the club for a minute and answering.


"Bane, professor Ozpin wanted me to brief you for the next mission." Goodwitch slighty muffled voice said on the other side.

"Ahh yes, a cargo retrival of some sort if I remember?"

"Correct, a shipment of dust crystals was supposed to arrive at Beacon yesterday, but the bullhead was attacked by Grimm before it could reach it's destination. It's last known location is somewhere in the woods twenty miles outside of Vale."

"That's not a lot to go on."

"I know but it's all I can give you for now. I'll try to see if I can pinpoint it's location from here but it'll take some time."

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